Plant losses.....

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Sheal, Mar 3, 2011.

  1. Sheal

    Sheal Total Gardener

    Feb 2, 2011
    Dingwall, Ross-shire
    I have been reading how so many of you have lost numerous plants this winter. The thing is, which way are we supposed to go with gardening. A few years ago we were being told to go with drought resistant plants.

    Now we are being told that the last couple of winters could be with us for the foreseeable future. So do we have to change our way of thinking again. How many drought resistant plants will stand up to snow, frost etc? :scratch:

    I live on an island with temperatures that have very little fluctuation, but things don't bode well for the rest of Britain. Having said that, my Escallonia hedge has suffered for the last couple of years, I think that's mostly down to some very wet summers more than winter frost.

    What are your feelings on this everyone.
  2. davygfuchsia

    davygfuchsia Gardener

    Dec 2, 2010
    Well I have decided to change my plant collection after this season .
    I have for a number of years had a very tropical looking summer garden (many plants being tropical looking rather than tropical) Most of my plants have been grown in large pots and then plunged outdoors during the summer, then taken in for the winter.
    But now due to retirement and the rising cost of heating ,and then the final straw the last couple of damaging winters I have decided to sell of a lot of plants this season.

    I am going to rekindle my passion for Chrysanthemums and Dahlias and hopefully do some Fuchsia hybridising .I have also got my new allotment to play with .
    Major garden changes which are in progress at the moment and hopefully finished by end of next week ..
    Looking forward to this season but sad that I will be disposing of many plants ..


    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    I've lost some long standing shrubs and plants over the last 3 winters. In some cases I've lost half of a plant or shrub where multiple stems are coming out of the soil which is a bit strange to see. I've got a broad spectrum of shrubs so I guess I should expect some damage but it's always hard to lose a delectable shrub after having it for years. My herbaceous borders have stood the winter well looking at the number of shoots poking out. I had some doubts about some peonies I'd planted last Autumn but on looking the red shoots are pushing out of the ground. I put fleece around two Acer's I've got in two large pots which are too big and heavy to move but I still lost the tips of the stems. I guess I'll just have to really wrap them up nice and snug next winter. The weeds seem to have survived nicely though!!

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