Planting seeds

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by gardenlearner, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. gardenlearner

    gardenlearner Gardener

    Mar 1, 2008

    I am after some advice here. Relatively new to gardening.

    I have a couple of raised beds I would like to use for planting flowers.
    They are north facing and shaded, dappled shade in some parts.
    What summer flowers could I plant? Also can I plant directly in the beds or do I have to pot them first?

    The leaves of my cordylines palm trees are brownish at the tip. How can I revive these plants? Any specific fertiliser to use?
    thanks and regards
  2. Celia

    Celia Gardener

    Jul 27, 2006
    Hello again [​IMG] My last reply got wiped when the computer crashed. You can grow quite a lot of plants in a north facing bed surprisingly, certainly the woodland ones would do well. I have a bed with 2 trees in it and shaded by an enormous leylandii hedge. In it I grow: foxgloves, primroses, crocosmia, iris, asters, pulmonaria, golden rod and geranium. hope this helps.
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