
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by shiney, Sep 16, 2024.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Please post you poems you like, or think they are funny, here - they needn't just be plant related.
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    As almost all of us have mentioned having extra trouble with slugs this year I thought I would post this one written by my sister - a poet. :)

    Ode to the Slug by Adrienne Tinn

    You soft terrestrial gastropod the trail you leave for me
    when in my morning garden is very plain to see -
    the slime you set, the holes you make with ugly rasping tongue
    upon the leaves and roots and buds of all my plants so young.

    You are a most persistent pest that hunts around at night
    and seeks out all my hostas and sweet peas once so bright.
    And oh, my poor delphiniums, my lettuce, every bean
    have been dined on with gusto. No more can they be seen.

    There are many ways to kill you but I must needs take care
    of other creatures round about who share my garden there.
    I can go with a torch each night and hunt you out each one
    then dropped in salt solution I’d see my duty done.

    But I think I would rather find a different thing to do.
    I’d make a trap – a jar of beer sunk into soil for you.
    And then you’d drink and you might think as down you sink below,
    ‘I’ve eaten hostas, slurped the beer. Oh what a way to go!!’
    • Funny Funny x 3
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    • ViewAhead

      ViewAhead Total Gardener

      Mar 14, 2024
      South of the South Downs, north of the sea!
      A serious one to start with. I first came across this in a fiction book called In Pale Battalions, by Robert Goddard. The poet, Charles Hamilton Sorley, died in the First World War (1916, I think) and this was in the possessions returned to his family. For me, it speaks of both the futility and reality of young men dying for their country.

      'When You See Millions of the Mouthless Dead'

      When you see millions of the mouthless dead
      Across your dreams in pale battalions go,
      Say not soft things as other men have said,
      That you'll remember. For you need not so.
      Give them not praise. For, deaf, how should they know
      It is not curses heaped on each gashed head?
      Nor tears. Their blind eyes see not your tears flow.
      Nor honour. It is easy to be dead.
      Say only this, “They are dead.” Then add thereto,
      “Yet many a better one has died before.”
      Then, scanning all the o'ercrowded mass, should you
      Perceive one face that you loved heretofore,
      It is a spook. None wears the face you knew.
      Great death has made all his for evermore.
      • Like Like x 4
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      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        An Onion and a Rose

        By Adrienne Tinn

        I wasn’t going to write at all on Covid.
        I wasn’t going to tell about my woes-
        The cough, sore throat, the tiredness that hits you.
        But oh! I have to talk about my nose.

        We all accept that we are born with that appendage,
        Be it long or small or fat or thin.
        It is a snout of very great importance
        To help us breathing out and breathing in.

        But no, I hadn’t thought of its importance
        Regarding both our sense of smell or taste.
        For the latter needs the former to be working
        Or any tries for flavour goes to waste.

        I lost my sense of taste and smell with Covid.
        I could tell when salty, sweet or sour still.
        But flavour flew and no amount of trying
        Could bring it back. It was a bitter pill.

        My lovely seedy bread was soft but tasteless.
        Seeds could have been a mass of ants inside –
        My soup a thick amorphous mass of liquid,
        The fish and meat just lumps I couldn’t abide.

        The cheese a chunk of salt that held no flavour,
        An apple and a pear could be the same.
        Peas and beans and cabbage all were tasteless.
        They simply could have borne each other’s name.

        I didn’t want to eat. It all seemed pointless.
        Bu then! The tang of onion in the air!
        Was that a smell? I couldn’t quite believe it.
        Beloved onions are you really there?

        Both senses came back home – a slow returning –
        But oh, appreciation on my part!
        The tang, the taste, the scent of all around me.
        An onion and a rose will fill my heart.
        • Like Like x 4
        • JWK

          JWK Gardener Staff Member

          Jun 3, 2008
          A good old one:

          The kiss of the sun for pardon,
          the song of the birds for mirth,
          one is nearer God's heart in a garden
          than anywhere else on earth

          Dorothy Frances Gurney
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          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            This was written by myself a few years ago but certainly is appropriate for this July and August and the start of September as we have had a drought.

            I stop to hear this strange sound
            Of something rustling on the ground
            Something new? I'm not quite sure
            I think I've heard that sound before
            The air is sombre, the sky is drear
            An atmosphere to presage fear
            But no! It doesn't augur pain
            It's just the sight and sound of rain.
            Hooray, it raining - but not much. Sorry about the poor rhyme.

            • Like Like x 3
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            • Pete8

              Pete8 Super Gardener

              Aug 29, 2017
              Billericay, Essex
              I was never a fan of poetry at school in English Lit. but in a tatty book of poems I came across this poem which I found really special for some reason.
              Every now and then something will trigger my memory of it and even 50+ years on it's still the only poem that really hit me.

              Spanish Waters
              Masefield, John (1878 - 1967)
              Original Text

              John Masefield, Poems (New York, NY: Macmillan, 1945): 42-43.

              Spanish waters, Spanish waters, you are ringing in my ears,
              Like a slow sweet piece of music from the grey forgotten years;
              Telling tales, and beating tunes, and bringing weary thoughts to me
              Of the sandy beach at Muertos, where I would that I could be.
              There's a surf breaks on Los Muertos, and it never stops to roar,
              And it's there we came to anchor, and it's there we went ashore,
              Where the blue lagoon is silent amid snags of rotting trees,
              Dropping like the clothes of corpses cast up by the seas.
              We anchored at Los Muertos when the dipping sun was red,
              We left her half-a-mile to sea, to west of Nigger Head;
              And before the mist was on the Cay, before the day was done,
              We were all ashore on Muertos with the gold that we had won.
              We bore it through the marshes in a half-score battered chests,
              Sinking, in the sucking quagmires to the sunburn on our breasts,
              Heaving over tree-trunks, gasping, damning at the flies and heat,
              Longing for a long drink, out of silver, in the ship's cool lazareet.
              The moon came white and ghostly as we laid the treasure down,
              There was gear there'd make a beggarman as rich as Lima Town,
              Copper charms and silver trinkets from the chests of Spanish crews,
              Gold doubloons and double moidores, louis d'ors and portagues,
              Clumsy yellow-metal earrings from the Indians of Brazil,
              Uncut emeralds out of Rio, bezoar stones from Guayaquil;
              Silver, in the crude and fashioned, pots of old Arica bronze,
              Jewels from the bones of Incas desecrated by the Dons.
              We smoothed the place with mattocks, and we took and blazed the tree,
              Which marks yon where the gear is hid that none will ever see,
              And we laid aboard the ship again, and south away we steers,
              Through the loud surf of Los Muertos which is beating in my ears.
              I'm the last alive that knows it. All the rest have gone their ways
              Killed, or died, or come to anchor in the old Mulatas Cays,
              And I go singing, fiddling, old and starved and in despair,
              And I know where all that gold is hid, if I were only there.
              It 's not the way to end it all. I'm old, and nearly blind,
              And an old man's past 's a strange thing, for it never leaves his mind.
              And I see in dreams, awhiles, the beach, the sun's disc dipping red,
              And the tall ship, under topsails, swaying in past Nigger Head.
              I'd be glad to step ashore there. Glad to take a pick and go
              To the lone blazed coco-palm tree in the place no others know,
              And lift the gold and silver that has mouldered there for years
              By the loud surf of Los Muertos which is beating in my ears.

              Publication Start Year
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              • shiney

                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                Jul 3, 2006
                Retired - Last Century!!!
                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                I tend to complain, as pleasantly as possible, when I receive goods that are faulty or a service I receive is not up to standard.

                A few years ago I had reason to complain to Sainsbury's about their toilet paper so wrote them a poem complaining. I have posted this before but many years ago as I wrote it in 2002

                A BIT OF A “BUMMER”
                (or an inconvenience)

                It is with regret I write to you
                About a problem in my loo.
                A product I bought, in your store,
                Is starting to make my bum sore.
                In days gone by I’ve used your brand
                Of toilet rolls and found them grand.
                But though they’re “super soft” by name
                They certainly don’t feel the same
                As those we’ve used for years and years -
                They’ve brought us to the verge of tears!
                So, Sainsbury’s, please bring back the days
                When we can utter words of praise
                For those fine rolls we use with ease,
                That do their job; and also please.

                They came back with a superb response:-

                Dear Shiney,

                I thank you for your charming rhyme,
                It jumped out from my pile;
                And when I showed it round the room
                It more than raised a smile.

                Our joy though did not last for long
                As soon we had to learn
                That toilet rolls from Sainsbury's
                Have caused you great concern.

                We tried to change these toilet rolls
                To make them soft and new;
                To make it fun for everyone
                To sit upon the loo.

                The Buyers I will notify
                They make your bottom sore,
                And we will do our best to make
                Them softer evermore.

                The voucher I am sending you
                Comes with our great regret
                That anything from Sainsbury's
                Has caused you so to fret.

                Yours sincerely

                Alex Voskou
                Manager - Customer Services

                Enclosed: £5 voucher

                And I thanked them:-

                Your poem I received with joy
                Knowing that you care
                That my poor nether regions
                Were in such disrepair.

                I guess the voucher I received
                Is not for me to try
                To use here as a substitute –
                That brings a tear to my eye!

                So I’ll assume, and thank you
                It’s sent in sympathy
                For all the trauma suffered
                Somewhere above the knee.

                I’ll use it for the purpose
                I think that you intend.
                To buy your toilet rolls once more
                To salve my tender end.

                You’ve restored my faith in fellow man
                Which recently went down the pan
                Your voucher now seems heaven sent
                To really placate my fundament.

                To write in rhyme you have a gift
                And your response gave me a lift.
                I thank you, sir, so very much
                For the way that you have kept in touch

                With my plight
                I won’t forget you
                Customer Services and
                Alex Voskou
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                • Funny Funny x 3
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                • ViewAhead

                  ViewAhead Total Gardener

                  Mar 14, 2024
                  South of the South Downs, north of the sea!
                  That's brilliant, @shiney! :biggrin:

                  This is one of Pam Ayres best ...

                  They should have asked my husband

                  You know this world is complicated, imperfect and oppressed
                  And it’s not hard to feel timid, apprehensive and depressed.
                  It seems that all around us tides of questions ebb and flow
                  And people want solutions but they don’t know where to go.

                  Opinions abound but who is wrong and who is right.
                  People need a prophet, a diffuser of the light.
                  Someone they can turn to as the crises rage and swirl.
                  Someone with the remedy, the wisdom, and the pearl.

                  Well . . . they should have asked my ‘usband, he’d have told’em then and there.
                  His thoughts on immigration, teenage mothers, Tony Blair,
                  The future of the monarchy, house prices in the south
                  The wait for hip replacements, BSE and foot and mouth.

                  Yes . . . they should have asked my husband he can sort out any mess
                  He can rejuvenate the railways he can cure the NHS
                  So any little niggle, anything you want to know
                  Just run it past my husband, wind him up and let him go.

                  Congestion on the motorways, free holidays for thugs
                  The damage to the ozone layer, refugees and drugs.
                  These may defeat the brain of any politician bloke
                  But present it to my husband and he’ll solve it at a stroke.

                  He’ll clarify the situation; he will make it crystal clear
                  You’ll feel the glazing of your eyeballs, and the bending of your ear.
                  Corruption at the top, he’s an authority on that
                  And the Mafia, Gadafia and Yasser Arafat.

                  Upon these areas he brings his intellect to shine
                  In a great compelling voice that’s twice as loud as yours or mine.
                  I often wonder what it must be like to be so strong,
                  Infallible, articulate, self-confident …… and wrong.

                  When it comes to tolerance – he hasn’t got a lot
                  Joyriders should be guillotined and muggers should be shot.
                  The sound of his own voice becomes like music to his ears
                  And he hasn’t got an inkling that he’s boring us to tears.

                  My friends don’t call so often, they have busy lives I know
                  But its not everyday you want to hear a windbag suck and blow.
                  Encyclopaedias, on them we never have to call
                  Why clutter up the bookshelf when my husband knows it all!
                  Pam Ayres
                  • Funny Funny x 4
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                  • Palustris

                    Palustris Total Gardener

                    Oct 23, 2005
                    West Midlands
                    Many years ago on the original BBC site there was a similar thread which was closed down by the mods because of a copyright misunderstanding.
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                    • shiney

                      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                      Jul 3, 2006
                      Retired - Last Century!!!
                      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                      Lyrics/poems are normally accepted as long as they are attributed or are non-commercial. :thumbsup:
                    • ViewAhead

                      ViewAhead Total Gardener

                      Mar 14, 2024
                      South of the South Downs, north of the sea!
                      One of my favourite poems by Clive James - Windows Is Shutting Down :biggrin:

                      Windows is shutting down, and grammar are
                      On their last leg. So what am we to do?
                      A letter of complaint go just so far,
                      Proving the only one in step are you.

                      Better, perhaps, to simply let it goes.
                      A sentence have to be screwed pretty bad
                      Before they gets to where you doesnt knows
                      The meaning what it must of meant to had.

                      The meteor have hit. Extinction spread,
                      But evolution do not stop for that.
                      A mutant languages rise from the dead
                      And all them rules is suddenly old hat.

                      Too bad for we, us what has had so long
                      The best seat from the only game in town.
                      But there it am, and whom can say its wrong?
                      Those are the break. Windows is shutting down.
                      • Like Like x 2
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                      • shiney

                        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                        Jul 3, 2006
                        Retired - Last Century!!!
                        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                        @ViewAhead continuing the 'technical' and modern type theme:-


                        Every single evening
                        As I'm lying here in bed,
                        This tiny little Prayer
                        Keeps running through my head:

                        God bless all my family
                        Wherever they may be,
                        Keep them warm and safe from harm
                        For they're so close to me.
                        And God, there is one more thing
                        I wish that you could do;
                        Hope you don't mind me asking,
                        Please bless my computer too.
                        Now I know that it's unusual
                        To Bless a motherboard,
                        But listen just a second
                        While I explain it to you, Lord.
                        You see, that little metal box
                        Holds more than odds and ends;
                        Inside those small compartments
                        Rest so many of my friends.
                        I know so much about them
                        By the kindness that they give,
                        And this little scrap of metal
                        Takes me in to where they live.
                        By faith is how I know them
                        Much the same as you.
                        We share in what life brings us
                        And from that our friendships grew.
                        Please take an extra minute
                        From your duties up above,
                        To bless those in my address book
                        That's filled with so much love.
                        Wherever else this prayer may reach
                        To each and every friend,
                        Bless each e-mail inbox
                        And each person who hits 'send'.
                        When you update your Heavenly list
                        On your own Great CD-ROM,
                        Bless everyone who says this prayer
                        Sent up to GOD.com

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                        • Funny Funny x 1
                        • Tidemark

                          Tidemark Super Gardener

                          Jun 5, 2024
                          Long retired
                          Near Buxton
                          A haiku inspired by my efforts in the flowerbeds yesterday.

                          A baby nettle -
                          The gardener’s reaching hand -
                          A surprise in store.
                          • Like Like x 4
                          • shiney

                            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                            Jul 3, 2006
                            Retired - Last Century!!!
                            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                            A couple of comments on being bald (which I'm not :heehee:):-

                            CONSOLATION FOR BALDNESS

                            What’s the advantage of hair, anyhow?
                            It blows in your eyes and it flops on your brow,
                            Disguising the shape of your scholarly head;
                            It often is gray and it sometimes is red.

                            Perhaps it is golden and ringleted, but
                            It needs to be combed and it has to be cut,
                            And even at best it is nothing to boast of
                            Because it’s what barbarous men have the most of;

                            Then challenge you mirror, defiant and careless,
                            For lots of our handsomest people are hairless.

                            ARTHUR GUITERMAN

                            “God created a few perfect heads; the rest He covered with hair.”

                            DAVID E. BESWICK, from Bald Men Always came Out on Top
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