
Discussion in 'Wanted' started by pollyanne, Apr 2, 2007.

  1. pollyanne

    pollyanne Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 1, 2006
    im looking for some rocks to make a rockery
  2. Tiarella

    Tiarella Optimistic Gardener

    Feb 19, 2007
    Romney Marsh
    Might be a bit heavy to post :D Larger Garden Centres usually sell them. You are not, of course, supposed to dig them up from the countryside!
  3. frogesque

    frogesque Gardener

    Sep 13, 2005
    Having aquired probably over a tonne of rock and cobbles for the new pond I can give a few tips on this.

    Speak to farmers, they often have piles of rock at the sides of fields but always get permission before you lift them.

    Put a 'Wanted' on your local freecycle message board. Normally you will be expected to collect them.

    Go to your local re-cycling depot, there is usually a skip for brick, stone and concrete. Get permission from the attentendant to have a rummage. I could have got two beautifull old red sandstone lintels but they were too heavy to shift! I've had plenty of other rocks though - usually from guys emptying their cars and trailers, just by giving them a hand to unload I got the best pick.

    It is illegal to lift rock and stone from the beach, in some areas coastal erosion is a big issue. Likewise removing stone from drystone walls can get you into a lot of trouble and it can be very dangerous if a wall collapses on you. Old quarries can be death traps and are best avoided.

    It annoys me when I see garden centres charging between �£3 and �£4 just for a small piece of stone but if you use your imagination and a bit of charm you can usually get them for nothing other than a bit of grunt.
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