Thinking about it, it looks like there were once more horizontal arms but only the top ones are left. I have found myself that the upper arms tend...
Well I would tackle it one of 2 ways: 1.Do more or less what @noisette47 has said but I would be more drastic, thinning out about half of the...
If you don't mind flowers Maigold rose has vicious thorns. The flowers smell lovely!
Helicodiceros musciverus is a new one on me, I had to look it up but decided I didn't fancy 'Dead horse arum! I'll be interested to see how you...
Last year I tried composting a mixture of just paper from the shredder, green ferns - I have loads that grow like weeds and stinging nettles. I...
Thank you guys, that's great. I shall be getting out the seed trays soon. Happy days!
I have been given seeds of C. Xanthos, the pale yellow one. In your experience is it as easy as the pink varieties? I have not had success with...
Agreed. Being a small person a border spade and fork are much easier for me to handle. My other favourite tool is a pointing trowel for weeding....
My growing shelf is doing well, I have early tomato and chillis germinated plus snap peas, turnip and beet in cells to go out in the greenhouse...
I have made a 'growing shelf' by putting mirrors on 3 sides of a shelf in the spare room and a grow light strip at the top. I'm hoping to start a...
If you use a probe don't forget to rinse with distilled water between measurements.
Remember to take several samples in each area because you can get spots that are different due to for instance when someone has emptied a pot in a...
I got some golden beet seeds and I thought I saw some red beet though I can't be sure. They had Uchiki Kuri squash too. Perhaps they have them...
They are in St. Austell Cornwall.
I find Tromboncino very reliable and can grow huge in a good year. We eat them when they are small.
The top one looks like Polytrichium, used a lot by the Japanese for moss lawns. If you can find a copy 'Moss Gardening@ by George Schenk is well...
The trouble with flowering perennials is that they are not usually tall all the time, only when they flower. What about some ornamental grasses...
The Japanese are the experts in moss gardening, they employ people to weed out the grass. Just google Japan's moss gardens for amazing pictures.
I have a Sunburst trained on my garage wall. When I netted it I had black fly on the shoots. You can't win!
A visit to Edinburgh botanic garden is a must if you like alpines.
Separate names with a comma.