Wow - broad question. If you want hedging have a look at Ashridge Trees, they are in Somerset but mail order all over and they sell just about...
I would plant a hedge against the fence - covers it completely, and softens up the garden - hedging is the backbone of almost any garden as it...
Hi The thing with bees is to try to make pollen available to them early and late inthe year when it is in short supply so if they wake up on a...
Mr M is definitely wrong although it will carry a little blossom until the first frosts (wellours does anyway)
By the way, if you just want your own apples, you can strike cuttings from named varieties and grow them on their own roots. The main reason for...
Looks like blossom wilt to me. If you are a member of the RHS send a bit to Wisley and they will tell you. If it is, you just have to prune out...
Here is a tip to get your apple trees cropping evenly every year. As they finish flowering next year, pinch off the flowers on every other spur....
Kristen has it right. If a raspberry cane had fruit on it, cut it down to the ground. If it did not, don't.
Wooly aphid I reckon. Any good garden centre should sell "spraying oil". You may need to hit them 2-3 times, but it is safe to use on fruit and...
Agree with the first diagnosis, but I don't think it is scab for the second. (Here is a link to a picture of at Apple Scab and instructions on...
Manure (well rotted) tends to work pretty well. However I would guess that there is probably another reason (assuming they are not in pots) as...
Pyracantha does well in shade. So does shrub honeysuckle. Plus any laurel, privet, box or yew.Back to the great beech debate. If you want...
Depends on how old your house is. If the foundations are concrete, then probably not. If they are brick and mortar, get rid of it as quick as you...
We have an Escallonia macrantha hedge that is just under 3 metres tall that works really well - we are by the sea, the ground drains fast and...
We have lots of crabs (apples that is). Prune them exactly as for spur fruiting apples if they need shaping. Otherwise leave them alone.
Three thoughts Dettol will do the same secateur sterilising job as Jeyes.One or two fruit tree growers have a rescue service (Frank...
Hi Don't know if this will help but this is a really blog good post on how to remedy a tree that is falling over. We have an old apple that was...
It was the cold weather. We grow a huge range of crab apples and they usually carry their fruit until they fall off. This year our trees were...
You can just buy an orchard pack. This site sells fruit trees in packs of 6 or 16 as maidens, bushes or half standards where the varieties have...
Sorry - tough to beat. However,there have not been many recorded cases of blight actually killing box - it probably could but generally it...
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