I've got seeds that need stratifying before they'll germinate. Some need warm and then cold stratification. I had Canadian wild ginger (Asarum...
Ah yeah I see your mistake. You're thinking of my Gotta Koala thread on the amateur marsupial keeper forum. No problem though. Easy mistake to make.
Yet another one of my exotic herb queries. Has anybody tried growing Gotu Kola in the UK?
Anybody grow ramps i.e Allium tricoccum? I've got the European ramsons or wild garlic - Allium ursinum - in a shady spot in the garden and it does...
Thank's yet again Marely Farley. From an exchange on a blog I've gathered that the temperature should be maintained around 21°C or above. In order...
Yes.... Anyway, something interesting to add?
Hello @Marley Farley and thanks for the response. You'd be surprised how difficult it is to get detailed information on this subject. The info...
My Curry tree is looking decidedly ill. When it arrived by post in the summer I potted it up with a special citrus soil mix I bought from a local...
Considering I put everything into the composter I get just about everything growing out of it including: butternuts, date palms and epazote.
Curry tree - Murraya koenigii: Curry tree - WikipediaI've just got my hands on a baby curry tree (Murraya koenigii). Any hints or tips for me?
Is Japanese Parsley or Mitsuba a perennial? I've seen on a fair few websites now that this plant should be perennial but mine always seems to go...
Using the bicolored Perilla Frutescens my best results where with soaked seeds, peat based compost, light covering of vermiculite, in a...
Thanks a lot everybody. What a warm welcome.I've lost count. Including the perennial vegetables perhaps nearing 30. Along with the classics, my...
Thanks to you two. Nice to feel welcome.
OK, that's given me some ideas, thanks.
Hi there,I live on the north coast of Brittany, France - so oceanic climate with mild winters and mild summers. I bought a green coloured shiso...
Hi from a Cornish guy living on the North coast of Brittany. I'm mad about herbs.
Separate names with a comma.