I can't remember who it was, Dendro, and neither can t'other half ... we are talking about Day of the Condor, aren't we?
Sorry, Dendro, don't think it's that. Will have to check that out tomorrow. Must say, though, Robert Reford ... mmmmmmmmmmmm
well lol what did you think of it. interesting to see what happens to jack in the newt series, which i must mention starts this month, happy days
Are you serious, tig? Please, if so, give us the details. We are in the boonies and don't buy TV Guides / whatever and stumble across everything. I'll be relying on you tig .... xxx
starts off again on the 14th, whats that 5 days?cant wait. heres a link with all the info you need http://www.tv.com/24/show/3866/episode_listings.html?season=6&tag=nav_bar;6
Hi, tig! Having gone through all the TV channels for tomorrow I cannot find where it is on! Looking at the link you have given above, I think it is American ... :confused:
i was sure it started tomorrow . but i remember being wrong once before :D . ill have to find out when exactly it hits our screens. hope i didnt get your hopes up too much
I've been waiting all week for this because of you ... it's possibly a good job I'm the distance away I am! My nephew who is visiting here from Germany at the moment and also a super fan says Series 7 is also now available in the States ... and we haven't even seen 6! We've got a lot of watching to do, my friend. Let me know as soon as you find out something.