
Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by NinaTW, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. NinaTW

    NinaTW Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 1, 2010
    Yesterday I planted my very first border and was very pleased with myself. It's a shady border and I had done my research, choosing plants that do well in the shade etc....... So I went to bed feeling proud and gazed at my creation before closing the curtains and when I opened them this morning I could see that something was not right. I went out to investigate to discover most of the leaves had either been torn off and tossed to one side or eaten!!! I did notice a fresh pile of cat deposit's close by and am guessing that maybe the leaves were torn off by the cat. But what monster ate the leaves. Is this plant prone to slugs and snails, Didn't spot either of those and the nearby Hosta's were untouched!
    Your wonderful pearls of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
  2. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    Nina, any chance of a pic of the damage?
  3. Axie-Ali

    Axie-Ali Gardener

    Oct 20, 2008
    so sorry to hear this, it can be soul destroying :(
    As Dai said, a piccy would be good. What plants did you put in?
  4. NinaTW

    NinaTW Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 1, 2010
    Hello again, Sorry for the delay. My husband had taken the camera to work so unable to post a pic up. The Brunnera seems to have survived the last 2 nights and isn't showing any ill effects from whatever crept in my garden and ravished it. On closer inspection the poo (YUKYUKYUK) looked a bit big for cats so think it may have been a fox................Anyway heres a few pics. I have also planted 2 hostas and a mahonia winter sun. There is a choisa in the background that 1 of my children planted about 10 years ago, and a california lilac(think thats right) which isn't doing very well at all and I think i'll move it to a sunnier spot.
    I'm planning on putting Dogwood in there too and hopefully some bluebells.
    What do you think?

    Dai, sorry I didn't get back to you re the root thread, I decided to bite the bullet and plant any way and will ask my neighbour what her plant is when I plead with the to water my garden when I'm on holiday:hehe:
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