Butter Tablet.

Discussion in 'Recipes' started by dalbuie, May 24, 2007.

  1. dalbuie

    dalbuie Gardener

    May 8, 2005
    Just finished making two batches of Butter Tablet for the school summer fayre on sat and thought I'd share the recipe.

    900g granulated sugar.
    50g unsalted butter.
    175ml milk.
    1tbsp syrup.
    200g can full-cream condensed milk.

    Place sugar, butter, milk and syrup into a heavy saucepan and bring slowly to the boil, stirring constantly. Add the condensed milk, bring back to the boil for 20mins, still stirring, until the mixture reaches 130c/250f, or the hard ball stage(when a spoonful of the mixture dropped into a cup of cold water sets hard)
    Remove pan from heat and pour into a well greased swiss roll tin, mark into squares just before it hardens. When cold break into pieces. [​IMG]
  2. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    thanks for sharing your recipe dailbuie
  3. frogesque

    frogesque Gardener

    Sep 13, 2005
    Why, why, why do people continue to use condensed milk when tablet tastes soooo much better made with cream? :D

    250ml single cream
    2kg bag sugar
    100g unsalted butter

    Optional - few drops Vanilla essence

    Put all the ingredients in a large stainless saucepan or 'jeely' pan, bring slowly to the boil stirring constantly to make sure all the sugar is dissolved. Continue to boil untill the desired temperature is reached (see below)

    Stir untill the tablet starts to grain and continue stirring for a few minutes untill it becomes stiff. Very gently warm the mixture again untill it flows freely (Do NOT re-boil)

    Pour the tablet into trays double lined with greaseproof paper and mark out while still warm. Before the tablet sets firmly, cut through to the paper. Place a sheet of clean greaseproof and a cake rack over the tray, hold together and invert to turn the tablet out of the tray. Allow to throroughly cool and dry out then wrap individual bars/pieces/squares in fresh grease proof. Keep in a cool airy place for a few days (that's the hard part :eek: ) to properly dry out and finish cystalising. Tablet should sparkle in bright light.

    Much debate about the correct boiling temperature but really it's down to preference.

    Soft Ball 114 - 118�°C (238 - 245�°F) makes a soft tablet (if boiled to 114�°C it will virtually melt in your mouth)

    Hard Ball 118 - 138�°C (245 - 280�°F) makes progressively harder tablet with coarser grain size.

    You can also use double cream but the Food Police insist you stamp each piece with a health warning. Coating with chocolate is not permitted under any circumstances [​IMG] [​IMG]

    As tablet grains it becomes quite abrasive and I prefer to use a good stainless steel pan rather than aluminium.
  4. dalbuie

    dalbuie Gardener

    May 8, 2005
    Frogesque, because, because, because the recipe I have uses condensed milk and I happen to like it. I have never tried it without but will certainly give your recipe a try. Sounds rather good too. Each to their own I suppose. :D
  5. frogesque

    frogesque Gardener

    Sep 13, 2005
    Hee hee! Just winding you up dalbuie :D

    I know it's traditional and just about every recipe you will find uses condensed milk (some use evaporated - Yuk!) but it works well with single cream as well.

    I used to make a lot of sweeties at one time, including real pepermint fondants, toffees and coconut ice but the Dairy Tablet was always the fastest mover.
  6. dalbuie

    dalbuie Gardener

    May 8, 2005
    The summer fayre went well on Saturday, the cake and candy stall is always popular and you are right the tablet always goes first. ;) I think I tried toffees once but didn't turn out too well, lost a few fillings. :D
  7. frogesque

    frogesque Gardener

    Sep 13, 2005
    Glad the Fayre went well and I hope you made lots of pennies for the school. It's always nice when a stall clears quickly and you know all your efforts are appreciated ;)
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