Dying Cucumber

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Tintin, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. Tintin

    Tintin Apprentice Gardener

    May 31, 2005
    Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong.

    I had loads of flowers, some of them grew into cucumbers for a while and the rest just went yellow and shrivelled. We ate some cucumbers and the remaining big ones have all gone yellow. The leaves have gone all brown. Their is just 1 cucumber left right at the top of the plant.

    Its so dissappointing.
  2. Big T

    Big T Gardener

    Feb 10, 2006
    Hi Tintin, I find that cucumbers need quite a lot of attention. I can't say where you've gone wrong, but this is what I do:-
    Indoor variety, Pasanda, plant young plant into growbag when it is about 4-6" tall. Make sure that the base of the stem is raised higher than the compost as the stems rot if they get wet when watering. As the plant grows I train it by regular tying to a cane. I nip out all side shoots as well as the first and second minature cucumber as they grow. Keep training the plant up the cane, water every day and never let the compost dry out. As Pasanda are all female I don't have to bother with pollination. It is important to cut the cucumbers before they reach maturity as this keeps the stem growing and producing more cucumbers. Leaving them on the stem to ripen will halt production. I've had 23 cucumbers of just one plant. Good job I have friends and relatives!
    Outdoor cucumbers: I've grown Marketmore this year. With these you let them trail on the ground, and after 7 leaves pinch out the growth tip to promote side shoots. Marketmore produce male and female flowers and if bees and flies can't pollinate them you have to do it by hand.
    We prefer the flavour of the outdoor variety but the crop can be dissapointing in cold wet summers. Ours are doing well this year we've had about 6 so far and you can pickle the smaller ones that are not going to fully grow at the end of the season. I posted photos of my cucumbers on my blog site if you want to have a look.
    Hope that I have been of some help and not totally confused you!

  3. Albert Dyer

    Albert Dyer Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 1, 2006
    Mine always die, but one year I did have some so I pickled them but they went all mushy so I had to sling em
  4. auntie

    auntie Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    I grow outdoor cucumbers, burpless tasty green. I have a bottle spike to water them right down to the roots. The plants are trained upwards. So far good healthy plants which are cropping well.Good ventilation is vital because they are prone to fungal infections. I would recommend getting rid of the plants if they are brown myself
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