Green manure

Discussion in 'Compost, Fertilisers & Recycling' started by cr1tical, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. cr1tical

    cr1tical Gardener

    Aug 7, 2007
    Any tips on using so-called green manure? What is used/when is it used/when is it turned over etc?
  2. lapod

    lapod Gardener

    Oct 1, 2006

    I am a real beginner but was reclaiming some rough land and used organic white clover seeds they were pretty cheap bought from an agricultural seed merchant. YOu can dig them in any time before they flower.Although some can be kept to provide seed. I wasnt going to bother with that as it seems so easy to buy another kilo and I felt like an ancient gardener broadcasting seed.

    I just read in Bob Flowerdews book though that eventually they produce a chemical that stops themselves growing so you cant use them all the time only maybe for three years he says.

    I have found it successful as they are easy to weed out if really in the wrong place.And it was a bit of a buzz knowing thet they were growing to boost the soil conditions. I am going to try to get winter tares next which I think are vetches.

    I have so many perennial weeds that I feel planting a weed that is easy to dig over denies space to the others but I am probably wrong as those nettles docks and Rosebay willow herb are such bullies.
  3. the insane gardener

    the insane gardener Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 9, 2007
    I have used green manure on my allotment for a number of years. Have alook at the gallery at Rotate the types used and always dig in before flowering. One type or another is available for all year round ground cover. Remember some are brassicas - is club root a problem? The legumes, white clover mentioned previously is one of them, fix nitrogen from the air. When these are dug in they improve soil fertility. The main use for GM though is to increase the humus content of the soil. They will suppress weeds quite well. But do remember the old gardener's saying, "one year's seeding, seven years weeding!" The Organic Gardening organisation has the information and seeds you reuqire at
  4. cr1tical

    cr1tical Gardener

    Aug 7, 2007
    Thank you both - that gives me enough to get on with.
  5. DANNY_P

    DANNY_P Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 1, 2006
    Hello there, newbie here, just planning a veg garden. If I sow field beans in sept to have grean manure crops to improve my soil, do i dig all the plant? will beans grow which i can harvest and eat, then dig the rest of the plant for green manure?
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