Look who's in the doghouse! Meet Lola my daughter's 3 year old Patterdale Terrier. My daughter had taken an empty plastic bottle away from Lola before she got to shredding stage and then went off to make a 20 minute phone call. This is what she came back too.
Our friends had there sofa trashed by their dog, but it was left in the house for a long time, the dog said, if i must suffer so must you
Oh dear Lola did mummy take away your plastic bottle? Were you teaching her a lesson!!!! Joking aside Lola is gorgeous
Perhaps it's something to do with the name @HarryS. My daughter didn't name her, having adopted her earlier this year. With the exception of my son's three dogs my family have mostly had terriers down the generations and know their character. I would like to point out that Lola is not shut up in the cage as my daughter works from home. I've still got the pictures of my kitchen that my Lakeland Terrier took apart many years ago. He was the devil in disguise and cured me, I've not had another dog since!
Somebody else's dogs trashed our sofa. My wife has a soft spot for dogs and allows every Tom, Dick and Harry to leave their dogs with us while they go on holiday. It's a nice idea but it's a bit overwhelming at times. Now this has happens its made her think twice. About time too in my opinion. Sorry.
Terrible picture this. My apologise. The reason I am here tonight is because I have a job later and I need to pass the time. I have now got to the point where I need to nap. Instead of disturbing the wife who is asleep in bed I usually set myself up on the sofa for an hour. I was obviously too slow as my Cockapoo Belle got in there first. Animals! Who'd have em, eh? G.