Seed troubles

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by David G, May 11, 2007.

  1. David G

    David G Gardener

    Jun 4, 2005
    Hi All

    I have never had so much trouble with seeds, I have sown both in the house in the greenhouse and direct in the garden. I have managed to get 10 cucumber seeds to grow but have countless trays that are doing nothing. Even the Radish & Lettuce are coming up in patches no show seeds are Peas, Cabbage, Radish, (different variety) Carrots. I stored the seed in an airtight container in my home office where there is the same temperature as the house admittedly some of the seed is out of date but this have never been a problem before. Is it a problem that others have had or have my GREEN fingers gone RED and killed nearly all the seeds I have touched.

  2. azadaman

    azadaman Gardener

    Dec 1, 2006
    Why are you keeping them in an air tight container?
    If there is the slightest bit of moisture in there the seeds will rot.
    Just keep them in a dry dark place, not too warm and not too cold.
    Garage is usually a good place.
  3. David G

    David G Gardener

    Jun 4, 2005
    I don't know why I started keeping them in an air tight container, probably some person told me to do it years ago and I never questioned it!!

    Maybe it has been too hot in the office for the seeds I will try the Garage.

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