Total newbie

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by sparkly, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. sparkly

    sparkly Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 18, 2008
    Sorry if this is the wrong place, all the subforums are confusing me!
    I'm a total newbie to gardening, not very greenfingered (RIP venus fly trap, even growing grass trays for my indoor pet rabbits was a bit of a feat for me!) but I've got a groundfloor room-with-a-view (sliding doors right onto the garden) and want to decorate the patio to improve it a bit. Right now it's a rather flat empty garden, even the grass is a little sparce (looks like the landlord's recently put some seeds down) - will add a photo later.
    Half the garden doesn't get much sun though, the window/doors are North-East facing I think, so the patio immediately outside my room is quite shaded.
    If someone could recommend some newbie plants I can grow in pots (not sure how long I'll be living here so want stuff that can be moved with me/donated to my mum depending on next residence!) which is fairly hardy to my fingers-of-doom, yet nice and bright coloured (I love bright flowers), and will do OK in the shady conditions? And anything else I need to know as a beginner too, or some previous threads that may help!
  2. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Heathers, Bulbs, winter pansys, cordolines the list is endless. Id head down to the garden centre and see what theyve got on offer.
  3. Beechleaf

    Beechleaf Gardener

    Jan 13, 2008
    North east facing and shady limits what will be happy on your patio.
    Pansies should flower through the winter so that might be a good start, and they don't cost much, so it isn't a disaster if they fail. Don't save them for your mum, they should be thrown out in spring when you could get some other things.
  4. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Hiya Sparkly,

    Nice name and welcome to the forum.

    Gets some daffs in-they are perfect to be starting with-practically murder proof, and will give a good show in spring.
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