OP, if you decide to leave it out permanently, I can confirm that Nordmann Fir in a pot is fully winter hardy, at least in London it is.One of...
Rather than pruning and discarding those sucker branches as part of your early spring maintenance, why not use them to propagate some new trees...
You can actually propagate moss and grow it like a thick carpet.First, collect some good samples of it from places like damp shaded paving slabs...
A bit late to suggest this method but one to save for future reference.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]Air-layered columnar apple...
The seed potatoes were ordinary potatoes bought from Morrisons supermarket.They were both described as a multipurpose variety potato: 'Rooster'...
Agreed, the carrots do look good.Of the two competitions, growing for quality is definitely much more difficult than it is for quantity.The...
Here are some pictures during the harvest just in case you think that the massive potato yield of the winning entry was impossible to achieve....
And, finally, the results of Judgement Day which took place last weekend to coincide with some good weather:The Spud in A Bucket Competition...
Glad to see more people value amaranth as a viable leaf veg.We've been growing it in the community garden annually for a few years now....
Picked just before the rains:[ATTACH][ATTACH] [ATTACH]Variety unknown but some type of beefstake tomato with dense flesh and very few seeds.
I also propagated all of my blackcurrant plants. They started as cuttings taken from a single plant of unknown variety back in 2015/16.I grow...
The chayote fruit itself is a giant seed so just buy one from, say, a Turkish grocery shop.Then leave it on a warm (not baking hot) window sill...
Good advice has already been given by other members above.But, here is what you can expect if you grow them in 10Lt pots (known to UK gardening...
The first picking of the chayotes[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]When cubed and boiled to make a Vietnamese style soup, they have I what...
The first picking of my Indigo Rose cherry tomatoes[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]They are very juicy and umami to the taste buds but quite...
And, the first of my kohlrabi which was harvested last week:[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Also yesterday, the first of my karelas (aka bitter gourds):[ATTACH]Here it was just moments ago [ATTACH] [ATTACH]I don't actually like...
I harvested these pumpkins yesterday:[ATTACH] [ATTACH]I usually get 3 or 4 per plant but this year the numbers are down to 1 per plant due to...
My plants have caught up and are steadily producing.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]I've stopped the plants at five trusses which I think still...
My potted aubergines are flowering and beginning to set fruit.[ATTACH]As the ground-grown ones are in a sunnier location, they are further...
Separate names with a comma.