Huge branch on one of my big roses partially snapped, and 3-4 buds snapped off. Many pots blown over, and a chair with a hanging basket on it...
Haha I haven't, honest! I've got one too, against a low wall. Mine is newly planted in march though so only got a couple of flowers this year.
Is it Miss Bateman?
We did my friend's garden, by force! Went and bought everything needed (including a lovely acer dissectum garnet) from B & Q then turned up and...
I haven't got room for all my dahlias until the spring bulbs have died back. They are outside in pots on a bench. Some I might wait for them to...
My lawn weedkiller and aphid spray are in identical green bottles. I bet you can guess what's happened. :frown::frown::frown:
Lovely colours there @mowgley.
My grandad used to make nettle wine. I find pulling them up they can often bring a fair bit of root, the rest you can dig out.
Me too, also the Sunday and also my 2nd visit!
Here's an updated picture of the new raised bed. [ATTACH] And my little helper. [ATTACH]
Other half and I spent a few hours rebuilding the garden arch. Just need to dig and concrete holes for 2 of the posts then add on the trellis. Happy!
Lovely! You have clearly worked very hard on that.
I got an iris, some lithodora, a free petunia, a large red saxifrage, a globe thistle, a snowcap fuchsia and a lovely magnolia stellata from...
Mine only get morning sun and they are fine.
Hello and welcome.
You could also nip off a few tip cuttings and they would root very easily, hence more plants for free!
Cistus are very slow growing so you could move it to the front.
Could be leaf scorch from the sunlight. My acers are in ericaceous compost, but I don't think the soil type would make that much difference. I...
Thank you for your kind comments @Anzia. I love getting feedback as I've only been gardening a year or so. The ones you ask after are cactus...
A few recent pictures. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Container changing again. [ATTACH] A few before and afters. Early spring 2014. [ATTACH] Now....
Separate names with a comma.