I still use my Great Grandad's soil rake from the late 1910's.
I was in Brompton Cemetery recently and was struck by how well maintained and well designed the new burials are. The newer ones have (by and...
:/ I've done it six or seven times and if anything it seemed to enjoy the boost, just this one time it's gone a bit funny, perhaps the Aphids...
I have a year-old Avocado plant which I occasionally put out into the garden when it's sunny to give it a boost. I did this about a week ago...
Anyone know where I could get any Asphodeline Lutea, better known as King's Spear? It's growing in an allotment near me in a flowerbed, I think...
Hey all,Just asking for a bit of advice. In the middle of overhauling my garden plant wise, and I've come a bit unstuck with a border that...
I use Vine Weevil killer and change the soil of my Mum's pots every spring, just to be sure. I keep aside the grubs and put them on the Bird...
I've given some TLC to my parents lawn this year - first such care since it was sown back in 1986....! Moss infested and generally looking sorry...
Does anyone know the plant shown in front of the 'Old Thatch' sign of this weeks episode, at 21:15? Saw it in a garden in Brighton a few years...
I planted several things in Pots last year, now they're flowering I haven't a clue what they are. Any hints as to what this is?
RE: Moth OrcidAdded.
This plant is a constant headache to me! I have a moth orchid, about five years old. For the last three years it hasn't flowered. The new flower...
I think we're all dealing with the fallout of that snowfall last month - sorting out my flowerbeds and seeing how many plants have snuffed it -...
Phalaenopsis. Took it into my room as where it was in my study used to get freezing at night.
Perhaps some of you can help me - for the second year running, my Orchid's flowering stem seems to be withering towards the top. I re-potted it...
Where to begin. Bromley's got about 10 inches of snow so far. A 20 year old 8 ft conifer is currently resembling an upside down Octopus, and I'm...
This is my Avocado plant. Has a strong root on it, and obviously needs potting. What soil should I use? Loads of different suggestions on the...
Cheers - it's been repotted in new medium. I repotted it in May and a lot of the plant was rotting, coupled with my overwatering. Sterilised the...
I've just fed and watered my Orchid and noticed the compost it's in is crawling with tiny, tiny silver insect bug things. They're not silverfish,...
In terms of seeding, are they worse than Foxgloves?
Separate names with a comma.