I'm glad five Pennesetums is a good thing, but as for the Verbena, who knows!?The T&M packet tells me 24-27C, keeping compost on the dry side...
I've been growing first-year flowering perennials from seed this year and have plenty of Echinacea, Achillea, Lupins and Ox-Eye Daisy seedlings to...
Sorry to hijack the thread with my own question, but if I've got a Camellia in bud at the moment is that a good indicator that I can probably get...
Thank you so much - The lid's off now and I've moved the propagator to the windowsill that's over our storage heater, hopefully it'll dry out a...
I have Lupin seeds germinating in 2/3 of a windowsill propagator - the other 1/3 has ox-eye daisies in.I've noticed this morning some fluffy...
- realises he hadn't thought it through and now knows that a normal germination process would actually be easier -
I've been reading a few threads in the Edible Gardening section and would dearly love to grow a few choice fruits or vegetables in our back...
This looks great, Capney - can I use the same idea sowing the free tom and chilli seeds that came with Gardener's World this month?
Many thanks for the replies, Peter, David and Kristen. I think what I'll do is keep germinating on the windowsills, then move seedlings to the...
I was given a two-tier Gardman growhouse (metal frame, plastic cover) for Christmas and was wondering when I can put my germinating perennial...
Hard Frog Cafe gets my vote...
All the names I can think of are toadally rubbish.
That is such a sad story... the image of a feeder gently swaying, empty except for a whispy cobweb or maybe a dried leaf caught temporarily...
I'm probably worrying over nothing and they'll all be back again in a couple months, but I'm slightly paranoid that the greenfinches, tits,...
Rain overnight but sunshine since I got up. Quite breezy though - plenty of movement.
Lollipop, it was the line "preparation is almost everything and your plants will be in there for a long time" that sold me on it. I'm really not...
Thanks, Sezzle! I thought I'd lost a busy lizzie last week through lack of watering - it's in a pot with a pelargonium my other half was given by...
Spring it is then - I'll dig the beds over before applying some kind of enrichment before Winter.As I'm going to wait, is it worth me...
Thanks for that - I'll give it this month and the grass should have broken down nicely. Is there anything I can add to the open soil at the moment...
The biggest weeds are gone and I now generally put up with what's left. If I pull any up I try a zero-tolerance policy with the long roots but...
Separate names with a comma.