Thanks David, it does seem like the back of the plant head is wrinkled (like a dark green cabbage) as if it's 'restrained' somehow. I wonder if...
I hope I've put this in the right section. I went on a bit of a planting 'frenzy' when we first moved to this house and I had my very own garden...
It's kind of out for me too Abi as I'm a vegan. I wonder if my neighbours wil think I'm strange if I ask for their eggshells?
would I be right in thinking that I could deter slugs and snails by surrounding the seedlings with crushed eggshells? Apparently slugs and snails...
thanks Kathy, I hope I didn't sound like I was too worried about the garden. I know nobody suggested that but just to mention, I'm not really...
Sorry I don't have any advice for you on that Abi, but I'll watch your thread closely as I've just planted some lettuce seedlings outside too and...
Thanks again for all the advice. :) I've bought some seeds from Ebay, lots and lots of them and I'm growing loads of seedlings in a big cupboard...
Is that common do you think? I bought absolutely LOADS of seeds from Ebay and a big envirolite and have set aside a walk in cupboard (kind of like...
Hi Nick, your lawn is lovely. Please, nobody laugh at me if this is a silly suggestion as I don't know much yet, but is there any way you could...
It was nice and warm here too. I was patiently planting 10 carrot seedlings into the garden (I kept digging up worms accidentally and my hb thinks...
Thank you. I'm afraid my budget won't stretch to a greenhouse but when the snow clears I'll see what I can do with it. My husband thinks it is...
Thanks again. Yes I called them and they said Autumn! Autumn! She laughed at how disappointed and shocked I was! I can hardly bear to wait for the...
Thank you everyone. I'm really excited about the planning too and I'm grateful for all and every advice! I was up till 3am this morning drawing...
:D I've got a garden! of my very own! :yho: For the first time ever! I can't wait to get started. I'm so excited and really looking forward to...
Separate names with a comma.