That is the somewhat tender Jasminum polyanthum, which needs winter protection indoors away from the south. I have one that has run 30ft. in...
Erm, well all, or part of the above may apply in the US, but in the UK there are only one or two species of Impatiens that are perennial (in other...
Well yes, they are very good friends, but that's primarily because they are good, highly professional and ethical nurserymen in the first place....
I plugged this nursery before, but it has disappeared into the ether. There's a new website and with the owners having finally taken the plunge...
This looks like a form of Sansevieria cylindrica to me. There have been a few variants doing the rounds and I've seen this one several times -...
It could be Clematis florida 'Plena' if the centre of the flower has a boss of short petal-like structures, making it appear double. If the...
Good and less good varieties turn up in garden centres, florists and diy sheds throughout the year. Just keep your eyes open and nab the ones...
Y'know, this bugs me because when one flowered here several years ago, no-one even noticed it and there wasn't so much as a sentence in the local...
They (Spathiphyllums) are brilliant for poorly lit spots indoors and you can get varieties with quite large leaves. The cheap 'supermarket types'...
I've eased off over the past few years Pete - they take a lot of room because you need to grow quite a few, many of which will turn out to be...
Hedychium densiflorum is one of the hardier 'gingers' and should overwinter in most parts especially if given a decent mulch in autumn. It is...
P. villosum and a closely related species P. setaceum can be overwintered, but they must have extremely well drained soil if they are to survive...
And there was me thinking you had opened up a discussion about that wonderfully fragrant, richly coloured lily!
It is Nertera depressa (aka N. granadensis) or 'Coral Bead plant'; a native of New Zealand and naturalised in many cool temperate parts of the...
Unusually for epiphytic cacti in this group, E. crenatum tends to have rather strong, somewhat bushy, upright growth. The thick stems are flat...
Yes Kedi, the avatar is of Hedychium x Corellii - a hybrid between H. coronarium and H. ellipticum. It is a strong growing plant with very...
A good 6 weeks later than normal, my plant of Epiphyllum crenatum 'Kimnachi' (formerly E. x Cooperi) has opened the first of its flowers. This...
Well, as soon as I can find a moment to get over to Burnham Nurseries (Orchid specialists, but they also do Tillandsias inc. huge hanks of...
Rather like this Tillandsia bergeri that I've had tied to a Yucca trunk in a south facing border for several years. It has never produced...
I've had a small leaved form that has lived in the border for 10 years, but this spring decided to try a few of those 'cannon ball' tubers offered...
Separate names with a comma.