Thanks everyone. I will keep a look out. Still nothing yet/
My daughter and I found a green caterpillar actually chomping on one of our flowers (we both screamed in suprise - very girlie!) and then released...
Well done, grannydrums, you are really thorough. They are probably scared of you and know what's coming to them!
Yes, keep watering if you can but not easy if you have a biggish garden and are on a water meter. We are on a meter and our garden is not huge...
I don't have a veg patch only have a standard green compost bin. I will keep adding household bits to it and when I have help, we can tip...
I trimmed the roots of my Basil plant recently as they were getting ridiculously long and I couldn't face repotting again. It is ok, but still...
Sorry, don't know what rose it is other than it is a rambler (pale pink). I have been watering it a bit more than usual, but as we are on a water...
Thanks Claralou and Marley. Nice to know what the blobs are - now for the attack!!
Yes, thanks, I will go tomorrow. Nice to see a familiar name on this section. I've never travelled this far down the Forum before! These red...
Yes, Lyn, do what you can, when you can and try not to worry about it when you can't. Does that make sense?! There aren't enough hours in the...
I have just discovered that there is a special type of red beetle that goes on Lillies (particularly my orange Lillies it seems). What can I do...
Ok, thanks for the recipe! I am patient and hopefully they will come. I just didn't know when/if I could expect them.
My strawberry plant is only a few months old. Maybe I need to wait until next year!
I have a climbing rose at the back to the garden. As the years have passed the trees around it have become bushier and so the area is more...
My runner bean plants are growing tall, they are getting red flowers, still no sign of beans. Are they ever likely to develop? They are from a...
Up until about 6 months ago, I used to compost properly with kitchen waste too. But I found tipping out the bin, turning it all over etc quite...
My strawberry plant is growing about 3 runners. The leaves are very firm and I am watering regularly, but I haven't had any flowers yet and no...
I keep a record too! I've got orange Lillies exactly the same as yours Scooby (and some white ones and some yellow ones too). I got them last...
Keep watering, but with this lovely weather I think all lawns are suffering. Nevermind, at least we can enjoy the sunshine. It will sort itself...
Apparently, you also need worms and you can buy those from fishing shops!
Separate names with a comma.