Thanks for responding Spruce. The pot is on our patio, a few yards from the house and in an open position but with a small 1 foot brick wall...
We grow a medium-size camelia in a pot, and we have recently transferred it into a bigger pot full of ericacious compost/fertiliser (the previous...
WOW!! I never expected such a large respone to my original question, but thank you to everybody for all your very interesting and informative...
I cannot find this already answered anywhere, but my apologies if it is in a forum somewhere.I would like to know whether it is good to put...
Thanks to both of you. At least I am not alone. Perhaps I shouldn't have watered it occasionally, which might have kept the temperature down....
I have been composting for years, using 3 bins on a rotating basis, but never before untol this year have I had the following problem: When I...
Good answer - thanks very much. Must get my young grandchildren over for a surprise visit! barrym
I am new to growing gooseberries, and have a large bush which now has many fruits on it. When is it the right time to pick these please? I don't...
I have been composting for many years but never met this problem before. Can anyone help please?One of my bins has recently been invaded at...
Thanks everyone for the lovely welcomes for my wife and I. I think we had bettter stop here, as this is getting into a forum for Bristolians...
Thanks for the welcome Anthony. We live just outside Bristol too - in Nailsea. But as no-one outside our area has ever heard of Nailsea, it's...
Thanks to everybody for the replies. How interesting that no-one (so far) has a definitive answer, but there were some interesting comments. I...
My wife had always been told by her parents and other older gardeners that rhubarb stems must never be eaten from the end of July onwards, as from...
Hello - I have just joined this Forum, and just wanted to write and say Hello to everyone. I am 66, from the Bristol area, and very much an...
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