Very diss appointed with the Lady Marmalade rose it's been hit by every beastie I can think of. Anyone else trialing it?
Has anyone undergone physio rehab following an ilness / operation? How did u get back into gardening? What did u avoid to start with? I have...
[ATTACH] Baby boy Remzi - Evan 7lb 14 oz 10.25 am Birth was easy and both healthy
Rum wood nurseries / british I think some of u have got roses from them? Any good? Their prices seem reasonable?
Nicking an idea off another forum. Post a favourite pic of yourself, family, member or hobby, pet and donate a couple of quid to GC. See how much...
I have learnt about spring gardens(and bulbs) and have a nice little one in front garden. I have learnt about fruit and have two apples, some...
I need to make some activities for my daughter in the garden. I thaught of an big plastic toy box for a sandpit and another for water play (I have...
Well I needn't have worried about not being able to garden atm. My little 4 year old dragged me out there this morning and did the following...
I need a crash course in re usable nappies. Not the new fashion ones that cost the earth, the old fashioned ones u have to fold. What do I need?...
It's that time of year again when we venture out and welcome spring.I've learnt loads on this forum and wanted to share what I've got in my...
Seriously bad toothache here from a holey tooth. Can't get treatment due to preg complications using clove oil and paracetamol Any other natural...
Hi all I need to buy compost and 30cm dia plus pots online because I can't get them myself. The plan is oh will then lift them to where I need...
I've made two attempts to grow hellebores in a pot. Each time I've lost them to water logging. I use a pot with holes in bottom and crocs and...
Does anyone know of alternative medicines or poultices or tricks to relieving pain? Dads had yet another fall and done his knee in. We're...
Have looked through a couple of catalogues now ready for the new season.David Austen - beautiful but nothing interesting or different in my...
Seen any interesting / unusual roses for this planting season in your catalogues?I will start Alissar princess of Phoenica [ATTACH] Cockers Roses
If someone could id this for my mum i would be very grateful
The grass is going this winter as little chimney prefers to play in the park across the road leaving an 8 ft by 4 ft rose border yay! Im not going...
anyone on here like me frazzled after a great day with thier kids or grandkids? home alone maybe whilst the other half is at work looking to chat...
been out doing this tonite. [IMG]never seen it on gc before so thought i would post it. It seems to be only for hybrid teas
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