A dilemma

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Sussexgardener, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    In a bit of a pickle here. OH was approached by a company last week offering him a job...in Gibraltar! We dismissed it at first but over the weekend discussed it further and have got to the stage now that we're booking flights and a hotel to Malaga for this weekend for a fact finding trip!

    We've discussed leaving Britain in the past, first for New Zealand but more recently Portugal (thank you Victoria!), but Spain has never crossed my thought processes, although OH has mentioned it. It's all suddenly moving a bit fast now...I know the job is not definite yet, but it seems likely and it's all down to whether we go for it or not. Language would not be an issue to begin with as he would be working in the colony where English is the official language and as I have extensive experience in the hospitality industry and as working as a Personal Assistant, I think I could get something (or just become a house husband). We would probably rent out the place here (mortgage paid off) and rent first, then buy maybe a place in Spain, just over the border from Gibraltar.

    Got to decide what to do with the chickens though - they could be brought with us, though not yet...and I'm getting the garden here how I like it. Anyone know what grows well in Spain?

    So many decisions to make - it seems like a great idea, we have few ties here, no mortgage or children (LOL!) and the idea of leaving Britain with all the issues here for life in the sun is appealing.

    Thanks for listening. Comments, constructive or otherwise most appreciated:thmb:
  2. Redwing

    Redwing Wild Gardener

    Mar 22, 2009
    Good luck with whatever you decide SG. You'll miss your English garden though. :wink: But just think of all those non hardy things you'll be able to grow.
  3. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :scratch: Oh Aaron what a quandary to be in... I can't really advise you as have never managed to take the plunge like that. I can only say if it was me, I would have to check it out. If you have no ties as you say.. We only live once & life is flipping short...! I am a person that has to go with gut feelings sometimes, so if you are at the point of booking flights for a fact finding trip then you just have to go & see at least...! I don't think we have any Spanish members so you could be our Spanish member..! :D I think at this point in time, nobody's job is safe anywhere..:( If you can keep you home here to come back to, it makes it very inviting.!
    It sounds like you could turn your hand to various jobs so could contribute if need be Aaron.. Go see how the land lies, but please don't just take one trip take several if you have the time.. You both have to be sure, but I guess you don't need me to tell you that. Oh good grief this could be so fantastic.! Please go in with eyes wide open though, no rose tinted specs...:wink:

    As for your garden etc, that is obviously going to be a real wrench to leave.. I think you have to keep that thought at the fore all the time.. "Will I be satisfied with this type of gardening here etc... Prospects for growing own stuff or even keeping chickens etc.. I don't know off hand what plants.. Would it be that different to Vicky I wonder..??:scratch:

    Oh do keep us up to date with it all, how exciting... :thmb::D
  4. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Go for it. As others said, and as you said yourself, check it out first, but I know if I was offered a job in Gibraltar and the job sounded good, the only thing I'd be worrying about is the actual logistics of the move.

    What about if OH goes on ahead, does some ground work in finding you a job there while you sort out the practical stuff of arranging to move all your stuff and getting a tennant into your house?

    As far as visiting family is concerned, Malaga and Gibraltar both have airports with direct flights back to the UK, and you're only looking at 2 hours flight, so visiting home won't be much of a problem.

    As for what grows there, I couldn't identify much but when I've been on holidays to Spain I've always been blown away by the gardens there compared to here. I guess their warmer, sunnier climate opens up many doors in the world of gardening. I believe that that region of Spain gets a bit more rainfall than most of Southern Spain due to being on the Atlantic (Costa De Almeria) or very close to it (Costa Del Sol which literally transaltes to 'Coast of the sun').

    I've been to Gibraltar once, for a few hours while we were staying near Malaga. It is nice and surprisingly cheap. The only downside is that every now and then the Spanish get a bit miffed that we still own a piece of their land, and they express this by being awkward at the border. When we were there they deliberately closed all but one gate so it took ages to get through, but they didn't take it out on the ordinary folk and the border guards were as polite and courteous as you could wish for.

    Another plus side with that region is your proximity to Portugal. You could go and see Victoria. When I went up the rock on an organised tour, the guide was very proud of the fact that you could see 3 different countries at once, being Morocco, Spain and Portugal.

    You will have to develop an immunity to pedlars if you go there though. It is very hard to be ignorant (unless you're ignorant by nature, which I doubt), but if you so much as acknowledge their existence they will bug you and bug you until you eventually buy a hat, some counterfeit sunglasses, some plastic jewellery, or some bizarre flashy light thing. Oh and if you get a free scratch card and win something on it, all you've really won is a trip to a timeshare hard sell session for a few hours.
  5. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Well flights, car hire and hotel are booked, leaving on Saturday, back Monday evening. We think the job is not suitable - not enough time to get heads together, sort out house here and accommodation there, sort out chickens and a job for me...but it's been a catalyst for us both and I think it's a case of sooner rather than later now. The language was always an issue as neither of us speak Spanish but working in Gibraltar it wil not be required, at least in the beginning.

    I will miss my garden incredibly though :( I look at things I have planted and nurtured and wonder about them. I won't however miss the clay soil, the incredible number of slugs and the neighbour's leylandii! If the house was let we would get a gardener in to at least keep it ticking over and tended and we always have this house as a fall back. We can even let it unfurnished and ship our stuff, plus motorbikes out. But let's not run before we can walk! Will report back on this weekend (with pics of what grows in that area, I might be pleasantly surprised).

    Thanks all for your encouragement.

    PS just found out Gibraltar is VAT free :)
  6. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Every opportunity offered in life should be grasped with two hands. If it is feasible, do it Aaron.
  7. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Hi Sussexgardener What ever decision you and your OH arrive at I know It will be the right one for you both:thumb::)
    I,m not going to say anything because I,ve got my British rose tinted glasses on :hehe:and I just love dear old Blighty(Walts and all):yho::)
  8. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Aaron, these opportunities turn up rarely in life - I don't know anything about Gibralter but the idea of it sounds great to me.
  9. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    I was going to suggest that myself Aaron. The properties we rent out that have large well established gardens all have a gardener included in the rent and a condition in the tenancy that stipulates the tenants are now allowed, under any circumstancse, to do anything in the garden! This stops tenants pulling up plants, planting whatever they want too in its place, or neglecting it so everything dies.

    In the winter months the gardener pops in once a week and in the summer months maybe twice a week to water and weed, cut grass etc.

    If its a gardener you know well - its also a chance for them to have a quick nose to see how the tenants are looking after the place too, and report back to you :wink:

    You are lucky though you dont have anything to keep you here as such, and you can always try it. Worse case you can come back, give the tenants their notice and move back in.

    If we didnt have the kids, the dogs and various other pets, plus needy mums on both side ..... I for one would be off like as shot :)

    Who knows, you might even take to being a 'house husband' :D
  10. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
    If you need any advice with regards to the whole letting thing - gimme a nudge :)
  11. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Thanks Sam, for both your posts. I think I would string a tenant up if they damaged my garden! I am also not stopping doing work in the garden at the moment or abandoning the plans I have for it (the thought crossed my mind yesterday).

    I'll bear you in mind if we need advice re letting.
  12. Sam1974x

    Sam1974x Gardener

    Jun 17, 2007
  13. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hi my darling ... you know what my thoughts are .... xx

    T'other half said today 'it's now or never' and he says OH should go for it and you too ..... and I agree with him. I know all the circumstances and I would go in a flash .... but I do things like that!

    You have your house there and if things go all amiss you have somewhere to go back to .... I would say take the opportunity and have a trial run at the company's expense .... the opportunity may not come up again .... xx

    Speak to you later. xx
  14. Clematis

    Clematis Gardener

    Jul 6, 2006
    Friday Bridge
    Give it a go Aaron.

    Just give it a try otherwise you will always wonder :gnthb:
  15. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    I shall report back on Monday evening (when we come home) :) Hopefuly with photos of plants I see growing in peoples' gardens there...and a load of questions asking what they are!

    Once I get over my initial OMG!! I'll embrace it wholeheartedly and look forward to a potentially whole new life (motorbiking across the Iberian penninsula - watch out Vicky, I'll be coming to visit you!).

    Thanks all for your support and listening to my ramblings. Even if we don't go for this job, we know there are others out in Gibraltar so it's opened a whole new plan for us and the move will now be sooner, rather than later.

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