A surprise

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by may, Aug 24, 2008.

  1. may

    may Gardener

    May 25, 2008
    a surprise for me,

    i bought this clematis (FLORIDA VAR SIEBOLDIANA ) which should have been white with a purple centre , and it turned out to be all one colour ,which was like a very pale green or pistachio colour , now i dont know what i have got lol
  2. DaveP

    DaveP Gardener

    May 28, 2006
    It could be Clematis florida 'Plena' if the centre of the flower has a boss of short petal-like structures, making it appear double. If the flower is clearly single with violet anthers, it is the variety 'Pistachio'. 'Pistachio' has been doing the rounds quite a lot in recent years and is quite often offered alongside florida 'Siebodiana'. Nice thing, the green gradually fades to cream and it is very free flowering. I've grown it for quite a few years and it is probably my favourite Clematis. Unfortunately as with most varieties of florida, it isn't the hardiest of plants and is best grown in a sheltered spot away from the south. Here it is:


    Take no notice of the leaves, they are of Plumbago auriculata (capensis) which produces masses of china blue flowers just as the Clematis is going over.
  3. may

    may Gardener

    May 25, 2008

    Hi, thanks for the reply, my plant seems to be a double but it is all the same colour with no dark centre at all, it is a very heavy flower and seems to be flowering well even in its first year . the pic of yours has a dark stamen ,which mine does not seem to have . the flower is almost a ball shape and really round.

    i have it planted with a passion flower in a warm spot in the garden so i will see what happens next year and if it will survive
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