
Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by cybersioux2001, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. cybersioux2001

    cybersioux2001 Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 24, 2008
    Hello everyone.I was thinking about planting some aubergine as they are usually very expensive to buy and i love mousakka with fresh aubergine.I have the opportunity of buying a plant soon but is this the right time to plant and if so, is it greenhouse or outside.It is only one plant as a learning curve but i would like to get it right first time if possible.All help appreciated, as usual.Thank you all those lovely people that helped with my unripe toms a few days ago.... I have two which are starting to redden.yippee ! ! ! Sue.
  2. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    Mine took a long time to set fruit, grown from seed. So unless the plant is 2' high, and covered in flowers ;), I doubt it will have time to set mature fruit this season.

    Aubergine is a tropical plant so needs a greenhouse really, although you might be lucky in a warmer part of the UK - but, again, I doubt it starting late in the season.
  3. Prastio

    Prastio Gardener

    Sep 30, 2006
    I agree. I have grown aubergine outside against a hot wall but only got a small crop because the English Summer is not long enough or hot enough. However, they make very attractive pot plants for patios! kristen is right, unless you get a plant with flowers on you'll be lucky to see any fruit (outside) this year.
  4. golcarlilly

    golcarlilly Gardener

    Feb 15, 2008
    I have just found that I have one fruit on each of my 3 aubergine plants!! They were hidden behind some tomato plants and I hadn't noticed, just kept watering in their general direction and then yesterday I decided to pull them out and have a look and there they were!! I have put some feed in their pots and am hoping they MAY still ripen in time although they are only about and inch long at the moment!!

    PS They were grown from seed in May!
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