
Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by cypher000, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. cypher000

    cypher000 Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 8, 2009
    Hi Guy's. Three years ago I planted a beautiful Azalea into a large tub. It thrived and soon got to a great size. My ever loving wanted me to prune it a little, so not wanting to hurt the plant I went onto a Gardening Forum (sadly not this one) and enquired about it. I was told to prune it down to about three inches and it would burst out even more beautiful than it was. Wow!

    After discussing this with my wife I duly pruned it to the recommended three inches and we waited, full of hope and promise. Well I am sure that you know that the neither the hope nor the promise came to anything. It is almost two years now and there has been no sign of any new growth coming. Absolutely heartbreaking.

    Am I a fool waiting? The wood is not dead, I can tell it is still alive and springy.
    Is there a chance that this once so beautiful Azalea will put new growth out? I hope so. Can anyone advise me as to what, if anything, I can do to maybe enhance it's chances of coming back again? Has anyone had this traumatic experience? Maybe some of the members can give me renewed hope? Many thanks. Cypher:cnfs:
  2. telecom69

    telecom69 Apprentice Gardener

    May 21, 2009
    If its been two years without any new growth,then I really can't see any coming now.I think you read the advice wrong perhaps,really they don't need much pruning at all,just sort of keeping in shape,you should have cut back by 3 inches and not down to three inches, personally I wouldn't hold out any hope for it recovering now after 2 years,sad I know but I think you went a bit too far ...whilst you say it still feels alive,there is always hope I suppose,but how long are you prepared to wait ? in all honesty buying a replacement might be your best option now .....
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