Best Friend

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by fred1935, May 22, 2007.

  1. fred1935

    fred1935 Gardener

    Apr 8, 2007
    Here's my best friend Badger.
    Only had him since last Dec, rescued from the RSPCA in Halifax, aged 7 now.
    He is a great dog but we had a shaky start.

    We picked him up one Saturday morning, he was very wary of me and was reluctant to get in the car. Anyway as we arrived in our hometown we stopped at the local park to give him a walk.
    Opened the back door and was too late to grab his lead, he was off and no stopping him.

    Missing for 3 days and nights, all we could do was wait for news, he was tagged and had our name. address and telephone number on a disk.
    I was so afraid that having the new lead on, he might get snagged somewhere, especially if he goes cross country wherever he was heading, either that or get hit by a car.

    Monday came and almost went but we got a call at 10pm from a lady 5/6 miles away in Bingley, "have you lost a dog" well of course we were over the moon and dashed over there to collect him.
    No worse for his adventure it seemed but his 4ft new rope lead was only 6" long, I reckon he may have got snagged (or someone had tied him up somewhere) and bitten through it.

    From then on we were more carefull and kept him on the lead for a couple of weeks, I can now control him without but he has to be aware that I am in charge otherwise he wanders, not far but he aint got good road sense, it's as if he is on starting blocks while he waits for word to cross the road.
    He now spends all his time in my vicinity, at my feet in the lounge or wherever and beside the bed at night.
  2. tiggs&oscar

    tiggs&oscar Gardener

    Apr 29, 2007
    Well, I'm a sucker for a happy animal story but besides that what a beautiful looking boy.

  3. Liz

    Liz Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    He is lovely, he looks like a spaniel/ collie type cross, both very active dogs!
  4. fred1935

    fred1935 Gardener

    Apr 8, 2007
    They did say at the kennels that he was a cross but didn't know what with.
    Comparing him with other collies I have looked at on the web, I realy think he is a pure bred collie.
    The pic is probably not the best as it was taken looking down on him making him look shorter, I want one with him standing and from the side but will he do as he is told?. :rolleyes:

    I never thought of his story as a "happy ending" one but of course it is, it could easily have ended in tragedy.

    First walk of the day now, a cup of coffee and back to bed. [​IMG]

    Incidentally, he was misstreated by the previous owner and the RSPCA took them to court which is why he spent 6 months in thier kennels before they could relocate him.
  5. marge

    marge Gardener

    Jan 27, 2006
    What a wonderful story - not over yet by any means with all the adventures THAT gorgeous face will take you on ;)
    Glad his previous owners were prosecuted - electrocuted would be better :mad:
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