
Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by justracing, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. justracing

    justracing Gardener

    Jun 9, 2010
    Jobbing builder/landscaper
    west sussex
    I'm embarking on my 4th attempt to grow some decent winter veg other than leeks which I have no difficulty with. I have tenderly raised some brussel sprout and sprouting broccoli plants (about 12 of each) to set out and have constructed a formidable netting cage to keep out the dreaded cabbage whites, only trouble is I can't get inside it that easily without severe contortions but that aside if I plant them out in the next couple of weeks when will I get a picking? Also what's the minimum planting distances between plants/rows? because like everyone else I'm tight for space. Can you catch crop anything other than salad stuff between them? I've salad stuff coming out of my ears and I can't plant carrots because I've dug a load of compost folowing on from the potato harvest!
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    They should be ready late winter if you plant now. I tend to pack mine in, about 12" apart which is much closer than the books recommend - if you have enough space go for 18". The catch crop depends on the size of your seedlings, you don't want to swamp them - they need space and light to get going. I've got a few things in small pots dotted between my brassicas, so I can easily move them out the way.
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