bumper harvests?

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by ruffmeister, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. ruffmeister

    ruffmeister Gardener

    Apr 4, 2007
    Hey guys / GIrls,

    Are you having bumper harvests this year compared to last. We definitley think that we are getter better crops than we thought we were going to get. With large potatoes, runner beans and onions etc.

    Click here for pictures of our Bulging harvest basket

    How are your doing better? worse? trying to find places for all your veg, or is your lader empty.

    Other news this week, swedes are being eaten alive, runner bean harvest, shallots leaves have gone over, and the pumpkins are taking over the world.

  2. Celia

    Celia Gardener

    Jul 27, 2006
    Hello, we too are having a bumper crop of tatties but the peas are a big disappointment this year. The pods are yellowing on the plants and the size of the peas in them is miniscule. The broad beans were infested with black fly and the runner beans are only just beginning to be big enough to pick, there's certainly not enough for a boiling. Some beetroot is ready for pickling, the carrots are getting there and I have a few lettuces. Sounds a bit forlorn doesn't it, perhaps I'm being too impatient, it's only the second year of veggie growing and I can't really remember when I harvested things last year [​IMG] Overall though it doesn't seem as good as last year, too much rain and not enough sun methinks.
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