Cement patio

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by marge, Aug 13, 2006.

  1. marge

    marge Gardener

    Jan 27, 2006
    Dont know if this is in the correct place to post this but - I went to visit a friend in her new house and she has had a big area done with cement that looks like slabs - its fantastic! All different shapes including brick and sets and large slabs - she reckoned it was reasonably priced too. Has anyone any experience of this cos Im thinking of getting a quote for our patio area?
  2. Banana Man

    Banana Man You're Growing On Me ...

    May 14, 2006
    Imprinted paving marge.

    My driveway is done in this way, as is my dog yard. It is coloured and sealed. How good it is depends on who does it. Overall I have found it better than the alternatives I looked at. You get a surface that is easily washed back to new and does not absorb oil of dog mess. However I have found that it has cracked where the paving impression has compromised the depth of the slap as a whole. I should have insisted on reinforcing frames within the concrete, but I think this is difficult becasue of the depth of concrete you would have to put down so as not to reach it on impression for the pattern. I should point out that all the single slab surfaces I have had have fallen victim to the clay subsoil which shrinks quite considerably in the summer. Other people in the road have brick driveways/patios, and you can see how much they have moved. Expansion gaps are applied which helps but cannot stop cracking completely. I would definitely recommend it as a far better alternative to paving slabs and at approx �£42 a square meter I don't think its half bad. I had the dogs yard graded into the drainage channels so no puddles and easy to wash down.

    Here is the front, colour is blue slate with extra black.


    Here is the dog yard/patio effect


    hope this is useful marge

    BM :D
  3. marge

    marge Gardener

    Jan 27, 2006
    Thanks very much BM - I am impressed [​IMG] I know it sounds pricey but not as much as paving to have someone lay it! I must say, I never thought of the earth drying up thing - we're on clay too so would be a big consideration.
    Thanks so much for taking the time to put the pics up - I really appreciate it [​IMG] Mr Marge is impressed also and that doesnt happen very often :rolleyes:
  4. Lady Gardener

    Lady Gardener Gardener

    Oct 21, 2005
    so is this laid as wet coloured concrete and then pressed with a mould thingy?
  5. marge

    marge Gardener

    Jan 27, 2006
    Yes I think thats how they do it - I was so impressed with the one I saw and now seeing BMs Im pretty convinced its the way to go! No weeds coming up through cos theres no gaps :cool:
  6. Banana Man

    Banana Man You're Growing On Me ...

    May 14, 2006
    Yes they lay the concrete on a good hardcore base and the gradients you may or may not request are screeded in. Over the part cured flat concrete is added you chosen colour powder then over polythene (for a smooth finish) the moulds are pressed into the mixture. Another layer of colour powder is sprinkled over and the base is left to harden. The following day the excess powder is removed with a wash down and the base is left to dry. The next stage is a colour/seal which is brushed over the patterned concrete and left to dry. I had 2 or three coats of this and then after a couple of days it is sufficiently cured to do as you wish. The colour does fade/mature but is easily recoated with the same colour/seal if you so wish, but I have only really noticed fading with the black but not so with the bath spa.

    BM [​IMG]
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