
Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by jjordie, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. jjordie

    jjordie ex-mod

    May 24, 2005
    Chocolate again :D

    Items about chocolate keep appearing :rolleyes: as I am googling - this little bit of information says it's GOOD for you! Now I won't feel guilty if I sneak a piece 'cos it's doing me good :D

    "Hands up - which of us hasn't gone 'Mmmm' at the thought of a chocolatey indulgence? Well, the fab news is it needn't be a guilty pleasure in 2007, because according to scientists chocolate is good for you - both inside and out�and reasons you should cocoa are numerous!
    Anti-oxidant and antibody booster
    We all know that red wine is an anti-oxidant that fights free-radicals, but it's been discovered that 50mg of dark chocolate scores higher on the health-giving scale, beating the amount of flavonoids contained in 5 apples! Flavanoids are also found in cranberries and protect against heart-disease, and controlled tests have proved that small nibbles of dark chocolate can actually reduce blood pressure.
    An affair of the heart
    And while on matters of the heart. Did you know cocoa contains naturally occurring chemicals theobromine and phenylethyalanine, which mimic those released when we're all loved-up? They hit the brain's pleasure and mood centres big time, which explains chocolate cravings. And as some swear to its aphrodisiac properties, melt in the mouth moments are great for romantic encounters too."
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