
Discussion in 'Compost, Fertilisers & Recycling' started by sparkle, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. sparkle

    sparkle Gardener

    Jun 15, 2006
    Hi all, long time no see!

    Found out yesterday that my local B&Q has stopped doing ericacious compost, and since I don't have transport I can't go further afield.

    My blueberries need repotting, so I was thinking of using coir with some ericacious feed. Are they likely to survive in that?
  2. frogesque

    frogesque Gardener

    Sep 13, 2005
    Traditional JI Ericacious compost is

    2 parts loam (lime free)
    1 part peat
    1 part sharp hoticultural sand

    To each cubic metre of mix, add

    0.6kg flowers of sulphur
    1.2kg superphosphate

    You can make up your own peat free ercacious by substituting coir or well rotted leafmould for the peat and instead of flowers of sulphur add a couple of handfulls of old well rotted pine needles to a barrow load of mix.
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