
Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by boebrummie, May 13, 2010.

  1. boebrummie

    boebrummie Gardener

    May 3, 2010
    west midlands
    hello peeps,
    time to pick your brains, lol.
    isit still to early to plant out corn. i have searched around for info, but the web gives different comments about planting them and when , so wanted to ask you the experts, just to be sure. as i have loads of seedlings. ready. they are about 10'' high.
    :thumb: thanks guys.
  2. Alice

    Alice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2006
    View attachment 1865

    View attachment 1866 Hi Boebrummie. I've grown corn in Perthshire. I'll stick a pic at the end of the post.
    Corn is not frost hardy so really shouldn't go out until after your last frosts - about the end of May here. But you can start putting it out during the day, and then leaving it at night when you are sure it won't be frost so that it is hardened off and ready for planting when frost risk is past.

    Having said that, last year I planted my seeds in pots too early and the plants had got so big I had no choice but to plant them out when the weather was still cold and we did have some frosty nights.
    I put canes all round the corn patch (you do know to plant the corn in a block and not in a long row, don't you) and wrapped fleece around the perimeter outside the canes and put a flap of fleece across the top for a lid. We had some pretty disgusting weather but the corn was fine and I got a good crop of lovely corn.
    The only problem I had - not weather related I think - was that by the time the third cob had appeared on the plants, they had run out of pollen and it came to nothing. The pollen is produced in huge quantities so I think the answer is to shake some into a poly bag when you have it and save it for the third cobs.
    Good luck with your corn. Mine was so delicious I ate it raw, no need to cook.
  3. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    Hi ya, just keep hardening off for the moment to avoid the frosts.. I have some ready to go but I am watching the forecasts now... It is an idea to look at the long range forecasts as well.. It is so cold at present I am not even thinking of lanting mine into the ground yet... :wink::)
  4. boebrummie

    boebrummie Gardener

    May 3, 2010
    west midlands
    thanks chaps.
    :thght: would be the answer. so will wait a bit longer to plant out, because weather doesn't look to good for a while:(
    yeh bab, i will be planting in blocks. also will be taking your advise about bagging some pollen, :thumb::wuvu: lol
    that corn is making my mouth water lol. i love sweet corn and cant wait to try my own.
    yummy with butter.
    thanks i really appreciate the help,
  5. kakin

    kakin Apprentice Gardener

    May 17, 2010
    In my experience corn grows (and germinates) best in warm weather. Last time I tried germinating some popcorn, they didn't germinate until i put them in a sunny window where there was heat all day. When I planted them outside when the days got warmer, the plants seemed to enjoy it and have grown very fast.
  6. aom-sg

    aom-sg Apprentice Gardener

    May 17, 2010
    me. i started to plant them first in nursery room. this is the way my father taught me.
  7. boebrummie

    boebrummie Gardener

    May 3, 2010
    west midlands
    well i took the plunge and planted mine outside under cover, they was getting to big for pots,
    i noticed something strange, well i thought it was strange anyway. 1 of my corn seedlings had two plants coming from one seed. surely that isnt right isit.
    theyare f1s, could it be down to that.
    many thanks and hope all a wanderful day. at last some sunshine.
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