
Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by ming, Apr 12, 2008.

  1. ming

    ming Gardener

    Feb 18, 2008
    I need 2 climbers to cover a new ugly fence put up by a new ugly neighbour. Our village has no fences at all just hedges but this person just moved in from the city & had this 5ft effort built. We have fabulous views of hills,farms,sheep & lambs & hawks --but she's turned it into Fort Apache .
    However, the question was for climbers eh, they would be north/west facing and its high and windy and cold here. I just need some colour please!!TY
  2. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Hi Ming. By colour do you mean flowers or leaves?

    If you mean flowers then get a clematis. I suggest montana. Not very fashionable but grows like hell. Unfortunately it dies back in winter You won't do a lot of good with passiflora or a lot of things. If you feel a bit adventurous then you can't beat a climbing hydrangea. Takes a bit longer but doesn't need sun and is as hardy as they come. For leaves just go for a virginia creeper. Again in view of your location it's the best I can suggest.
  3. ming

    ming Gardener

    Feb 18, 2008
    ok will get one clematis and what kind of adventurous do you mean ? LOL as in "spend a fortune onnit and then watch it slowly wither & die"... or wot ? It sounds lovely though - I love hydrangea and didnt even know there was a climbing one !thanks for al patience x
  4. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hello Ming welcome to the forum sorry your 'new' neighbour isn't very friendly maybe a bottle of nice wine with sort her out, it worked well on my new neighbours only problem now I can't get shut of her when we talk....but then again I do like to go on myself so not really a problem there! :D

    As John says a Montana is indeed very lovely nothing beats its masses of flowers although it seems to take an aged before it's flower buds open and in no time at all it's finished, a word of warning you pay a hefty price for it's masses of flowers as once it's done flowering it spourts new shoots like crazy and can soon out grow it's spot.

    Maybe you will be best suited to mix and match a few different climbers if you do your research right you will be able to find many different plants for a stunning summer, autumn and winter
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