Devastated lupins

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by crofthouse, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. crofthouse

    crofthouse Gardener

    Jun 19, 2008
    We've recently moved to a nw house and were delighted to see lots of lovely big lupins of various colours appearing in the garden this spring. They were just reaching their height when a plague of ?aphids? appeared - initially on 3 plants growing close together in the centre of the garden - and one by one have totally flattened most of the plants. They started on the flower tips and rapidly smothered the whole plant.
    I generally try to be organic, but due to the scale of the problem have tried fighting back (perhaps too late), with both chemical insecticides and old faqshioneremedies such as soapy water.
    Can anyone help me identify the offending creatures and suggest what might be the best strategy to avoid a recurrence?

    The pesky things are quite large (about twice the size of a greengfly) and pale green in colour.


  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi CH,your Lupins have been invaded with Lupin Aphid {macrosiphum albifrans} a species native to America and has been here since 1981.{Long journey to fly} I have found the only way to get rid of them is with Provada Ultimate Bug Killer which you can buy in an aresol spray.It is expensive but it does the trick.Spray in the evening when the Pollinating Bees have gone to bed.It is systemic so will get right into the plants system so will kill them as they suck out all the sap from the stems

    Our Ladybirds,Lacewings,Blue Tits and other creatures that would normally deal with things like that are not interested in this aphid so using chemicals is perhaps the only option.

    I too try to be as Organic as possible and never spray my vegetables but there are times when we have no option if we want a nice display of flowers.It is probably too late to save your plants for this year but if you manage to get any seed you can sow them for plants next year.

    I have a blue Lupin in my back garden and touch wood for the last two years have been Aphid free,but the ones at my allotment were devestated.The Aphds come back each year so at the first sign of them next year you will be able to spray and hopefully save the plants:thumb:

    Good Luck and do let us know how you get on:)
  3. elliegreenwellie

    elliegreenwellie Gardener

    Feb 5, 2007
    Mine always get this and it is horrible - I tried soap and water, hosing off every day etc etc until I almost lost my plants last summer - I used the aforementioned provado and it got rid of them - they came back again this spring however I have sprayed with Provado once and got rid of them and my lupins are fantastic this year - I am sure yours will come back fine next year. - Just need to keep an eye out for these critters
  4. crofthouse

    crofthouse Gardener

    Jun 19, 2008
    Thanks for the advice!
    Does anything good come from America?!? ;)
    We have definitely lost one plant, and a couple others look on their last legs, but fingers crossed some of the otehrs look like they will survive. Strangely we have one plant (a very compact bush with big deep purple flowers) which - touch wood - sees to have been immune to attack; I've seen the odd fly on it, but they've never yet taken hold.

  5. elliegreenwellie

    elliegreenwellie Gardener

    Feb 5, 2007
    They should come back if you spray then with provado now and give them some TLC - I thought I had lost mine last year and they are all fine now - I hate these aphids with a passion!
  6. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    CH do try the Provado as I have been pleased with it.It even kills off the dreaded Lilly beetle though luckily this year i have managed to at least kill the adults under my shoe,but it is the youngsters that cause a lot of the problems.:eek:

    If you buy some of the Provado spray it should tell you to spray when the sun has gone in so not shining properly.I also water the plants first before spraying.As I said only my allotment ones have had the problem and my purple one has been fine at home.Just keep awtering the affected plants and they might just send out some new growth.

    I will have to find a photo of mine to put up on here.:)
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