I just went and bought an e cig kit today. I have thought about packing up for a while now and did a bit of research on these and decided to give them a go. I have to say it isn't too bad, maybe a bit weak, like a light cig. It will probably take a bit of getting used to in that respect. The taste is there and it gives out "smoke" so you don't feel like your just sucking wind. Has anyone else tried them? Good, bad ??
I've quit recently. The first week is the hardest. After that there'll be some moodies and tantrums, the odd stormer and a few sulks, but for the most part you'll feel better every day, as your lungs clear of filth and start letting real air in for the first time in however long. Never tried the e-cigs so can't comment on them. Good luck, not that you need it, its not as hard as the nicotine replacement product companies would have you believe.
A friend gave up smoking using an e cig,but cant give the e cig up. He loves it in the pub as he dont have to stand out in the cold
Not tried those, have used the little tablets that you stick under your tongue, they were quite good. Have found that all atempts at giving up smoking & drinking have failed upon return to wife. I'm fine when staying down Sis's but just get driven back to it if i'm under the same roof as her, not even in the same room, roof does it every time:DOH: Some of you know, might as well come clean in the open now. Zigs has officially separated from aforementioned Mrs:yess:
catztail - my Danish friend uses them and they seem to work for him - if you have any specific enquiry i can ask.
Zigs, sincerely hope everything works out well for you. One door closes another opens and alla that jazz. I'm sure you're well schooled in looking after yourself I just hope you take some time for yourself and do something for you as it certainly seems that you spend a lot of time looking after other people. Maybe let your hair down (or up) a bit and have a bit of a blowout. If I can join you I will
At the risk of hijacking Catz's thread, thanks Axl Hair being let down already in the form of a fishing trip, blowout coming up Holiday on the horizon & thinking about some sort of scientific study that will benefit the whole of the planet, just for starters Will pop up to Wiltshire and have a cuppa with you when the car is fixed, could have a giggle together
-update for catztail- this is the type that my friend suggests: http://www.theelectroniccigarette.co.uk/products/starter-kits/joyetech-ego-c-products.html
E-Cigarette Blows Up in Florida Man’s Mouth, Suffers Severe Injuries E-Cigarette Blows Up in Florida Man snip: Niceville, FL — A man is recovering from severe injuries after an electronic cigarette exploded in his mouth Monday night, February 13, 2012. Officials believe a faulty battery inside the device likely caused the accident, reported ABC News. Tom Holloway, 57, of Niceville, Fla., was smoking the e-cigarette in the study when it exploded, in which his wife likened it to a firecracker going off. The explosion knocked out all of Holloway’s teeth and part of his tongue, as well as causing a fire in the room sounds a bit 'far fetched' to me especially the part where it caused a fire in the room it is most prob a conspiracy by tobacco firms to put people off buying them
Mrs Pal and I gave up the ciggies in 2006. But I do use an e-cig at home,I've tried several types and now have one that looks nothing like a real thing but it does the trick..... Loads of 'smoke' and a good hit. Health was the main incentive but we also put £300 each month in a box,the amount normally spent on fags, and eventually we paid off the last of our mortgage...a sum of £16,000
Hiya catztail. I've recently given up smoking and am using 'Champix', which is a supressent. It works very well, as it takes away the craving. The only problem I find is the habit itself. Beer and fags, perfect partners I have been thinking about gettting an e-cig for those 'special' moments :WINK1: I can't answer your question directly, but I know of two fellow workers that use them, and they reckon they're quite effective. Cheers...Freddy.
Just give it up or carry on smoking. Everything else is just a rip off. Only one person can stop you smoking, and that's you. Friends can help, but its down to you personally. Gimmicks just make it worse. Tell yourself you are a non smoker and work out what you are going to spend the extra cash on. Having said that, I could start again tomorrow, and I've not had a cig for 20yrs. Its a bit like AA, once a smoker always a smoker, but not right now.
For me giving up is the easy bit. I've never managed to get past the three month mark, by then I'm totally off my head with the withdrawal symptoms. It's that bad that I'm not responsible for my own actions at the time. I've tried just about everything to give up so I think the smokes will get me before I get them. I cut down from 20 plus to 5/7 a day four years ago and it's still no easier to give up.
Hi Sheal, Let me help you give up, I smoked until i got a burning pain in my throat, Im not a doctor person and in fact i didnt know his name when i went to see him, he sent me to the hospital for a test, 3 days later he phoned and asked if i'd call in to see him that evening, It was cancer, I was in hospital within 3 weeks and they said we'll know more when we've operated as x-rays only give us so much info. Thank god after the op, and verious return visits for check ups i was lucky and got away with a full bill of health. Ive never smoked since, once bitten twice shy, I remember that feeling of "what have i done" and the fear of loosing my life for a smoke, But its times like that when you're laying in the hospital bed that you think "deep" Of all kinds of things, the people you love, the things you'll change if you get a second chance, The things and loved ones you've taken for granted!!!!!!! Stop fooling yourself "you have not given up any, you've just cut down" You owe it to yourself at least to "Stop for good" Dont you think your worth it?? Regards Moonraker.