endless scarifying

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by mcmac74, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. mcmac74

    mcmac74 Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 3, 2007
    Hi there

    You may remember i was having some trouble with dead grass a while ago after leaving my lawn too long in the wet weather. After taking some advice in this forum the lawn is looking a lot better. However, after each mow i seem to be getting loads of browned (or dead) grass out when i scarify. Even though i spend an age, there always seems to be more. What i'd like to know is ...could this be a problem with my lawn mower rather than the fact that the lawn is still recovering? I'm using a flymo and the blade has probably not yet done 30 mows of a 40ft sq lawn...or maybe i need to give it a close cut? I'm still using the highest cut...

    Also, i'm about to overseed some patchy areas and was wondering how long to leave before scarifying so as not to damage new grass (going to use canada green)

    Many thanks as always, mark
  2. Stingo

    Stingo Gardener

    Apr 5, 2006
    I'm no expert mark but are you scarifying too much?

    I only do it once a year in the Autumn to get the moss out and leaves up.

    When you put grass seed down it has to be left well alone untill it's about 6" high then cut it (not with the mower) to about 3", let it grow to 6" again cut to 3" again and continue until it looks strong.

    Grass should never be cut shorter than 1" anyway [​IMG]
  3. Fonzie

    Fonzie Gardener

    Jan 27, 2007
    South East
    I doubt it is anything to do with the mower.
    I scarify once a year and I could go on forever I think when doing it as it never seems to end the amount that comes out of it.
    I too have a flymo and it does the job well.
    I cut it high at the begining of the season and lower later on. I can't lower it gradually, as the mower only has two settings.
    Nevertheless, the lawn looks good, not perfect by any means, but my yearly scarify I find sufficient.
    In the growing season, it is beat to cut regularly and short, as this thickens up the sward.
    I would seed it soon and when the time comes to scarify, I would avoid the areas where the seed is. Hope this is of some help. It is what I would and have done succsessfully for quite a few years now.
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