Feeding conifers

Discussion in 'Trees' started by silver1, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. silver1

    silver1 Gardener

    May 22, 2008
    Hi - several of my conifers have suffered this year due to the near drought conditions we have had here in Kent. Although I have been watering I have several that have either turned brown at the tips or are going brown from the inside very rapidly. Now that we have the promise of some rain I wondered if it is too late in the year to apply some conifer and shrub fertilizer to them or whether this should wait until the Spring.


  2. Quercus

    Quercus Gardener

    Nov 3, 2008
    Don't feed them now... you don't want to encourage growth in the winter.

    A tonic might help out in the spring, but if the problem is drought, then the damage is already done, so make sure they get enough in future.
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