flowering cherry

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by chips, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. chips

    chips Gardener

    Aug 17, 2006
    Hi all havent been in for a while but need advice please on my flowering cherry. For the first time in over 30years it doesnt seem to want to flower. My neighbours trees are in ful bloom and mine is usual out at the same time but not this year. There are plenty of leaves on it but only 1 or 2 blossoms. Any tips would be welcome. Thanks in advance
  2. Blackthorn

    Blackthorn Gardener

    Aug 21, 2006
    Hi chips, unfortunately cherries are not long lived trees and 30 - 40 years is about it. Mine sent up lots of suckers as it's dying effort to reproduce itself then fell over in the next gale. I would check to make sure it is not going to cause any damage if it does fall down and possibly think about removing and replacing it.
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
  3. chips

    chips Gardener

    Aug 17, 2006
    :( Thanks for that Blackthorn twasnt what I wanted to hear but I guess you are probably right. I'll have to see how it goes
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