Formalish border

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Joihann, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. Joihann

    Joihann Gardener

    Oct 1, 2007
    Hi there. I'm new but have been advised to 'ask away' so here goes.
    I have 2 very large borders, both being cottage garden style. The one facing East is edged by Hawthorne which i can't remove (and don't want to as behind that is open fields). The 3ft near the hawthorne is very dry and shaded most of the time. The border comes out maybe 6ft (9ft in all.)I'd like to turn this border into a more formal border. I have various roses in there but would like some inspiration as to other plants which maybe appropriate. Anyone any ideas? Thanks
  2. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hello again Joi are you able to take a picture of your plot?
    This would help no end.
  3. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    I would probably consider puting in a timber edged path shingle/ flint at the back, perhaps stepping stones.

    6' is a wide border and you will find it difficult to reach everything from the frot without stepping across.
  4. Joihann

    Joihann Gardener

    Oct 1, 2007
    Hi Helen and Pro. Yes i can take a picture of the border. How i get it onto the computer though is another matter lol.
    I am planning to put a narrow path through the border to allow me to get to all the plants. I'm just not sure what to put in there. I don't like conifers. I have a few Buxus elsewhere in the garden i can move, I've a Peirris, a rhoddy in a pot (huge pot!) and i have a number of rose bushes/trees.
    I'm quite good at growing things from seed. Is this any help?? lol

    Just out of interest, where in S yorks are you Helen?

    Joi xx
  5. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Joi I'm just on the outskirts of Rotherham right beside the start of M18 so very close to both Rotherham and Sheffield which is ideal for going out and of course going to the movies which I do an awful lot! :D
  6. Celia

    Celia Gardener

    Jul 27, 2006
    And Meadowhall :D Helen
  7. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi Celia yes I'm really close to Meadowhall too although I don't like going there too often, although it's not because of the money I spend it's always so very busy and is a horror to shop there! :(

    Tried shopping there once with a January sale never again the queues were terrible and all that pushing...some people really don't have manners! :mad:
  8. Celia

    Celia Gardener

    Jul 27, 2006
    Helen, I once went on January 1st. I had all the carpark to myself and all the shops were closed. Was this the best day to go? [​IMG]
  9. Joihann

    Joihann Gardener

    Oct 1, 2007
    Oh boy! Meadowhell i mean hall on third thoughts no i mean hell! I refuse to go between October and February, anytime during school hloidays, at weekends, for longer than 2 hours and without my hubbys credit card lol!
    I live in Barnsley near the hospital. I havent taken a recent photo of the garden Helen cos i looked at some of the pics in the gallery and i'm too ashamed yet! When it's looking more garden like and less like a field with flowers lol.
  10. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Celia yes that's the best time to go when it's closed! [​IMG] At least you will come away in a happier and wealthier mood not sure you would if it was open!

    Joi I know the centre of Barnsley although not sure where the hospital is I dare bet I'ave passed it though!

    Don't be ashamed of your garden you will be amazed how some of the wonderful looking gardens started out before getting done over by the people on here.

    I'm always posting pictures of our garden and there is still so much to do and not many of my pictures show an ideal garden believe me!

    Hel's patch!

    It is really ideal to post a 'before' picture up as you never know others may give you advice on what to try and grow or garden projects for you to have a go at.

    You could even end up inspiring others to sort their plot out too! [​IMG]

    Posting pictures is also a wonderful way to keep log of your progress and even allows you to 'do' your garden when the weather outside is horrible via your computer!
  11. Joihann

    Joihann Gardener

    Oct 1, 2007
    OK, i'll try and get some before pics on so you can see how much i've done, some now, so you can see what still needs to be done! My grandson, whos 14months old was 'helping' me in the garden today. As i planted a bulb, he found another to dig up! I did have 200 to plant but i think i probably planted 400 with Alex's help bless him! He even tries to help move the wheelbarrow and insists on having the big spade rather than his Alex sized spade!
    I just have to ask though Helen, why were you posting a reply at 4.57am?? I thought i was the only insommniac around lol.
  12. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Joi that's so sweet gardening with your little grandchild and I know what you mean about him wanting to use the big tools my little niece is just the same only just turned four but boy can she work!

    The reason why I post early in the mornings is I suffer an awful lot of lower back pain but it's mostly in my bum :D and each morning I get up around 4 am to take my pain killers and I end up staying up!

    As you can see I'm up even earlier today I have already been up for about an hour as I have had a pretty bad night but unlike the other mornings I'm going to go back to bed or try to anyway just waiting for the pain killers to 'kick in'. :confused:
  13. RavenMad

    RavenMad Gardener

    Sep 30, 2007
    Another night owl/insommniac here.

    My wee Bear was helping me in exactly the same way yesterday. When I was tidying up later I found a strategically planked snowdrop bulb in Mack's trailer (Disney's Cars is Ewan's favourite thing ever. Next to food.) :D
  14. Joihann

    Joihann Gardener

    Oct 1, 2007
    Sorry you are up through pain Helen. I just don't sleep too well. Seem to get into bed and start thinking of things to do in the garden lol. (funny how it's never what needs doing in the house?)
    We've been in the gsarden again today. We put an arch together. Alex passed the screws! His mum read the destructions and his aunty Emm and i put it together! I'm really impressed! Had to use a screw driver too!
  15. RavenMad

    RavenMad Gardener

    Sep 30, 2007
    I wouldn't let the Bear anywhere near a screwdriver. My "challenging" laddie could do some serious damage with one. *para* My lassie would be a good help but she's only interested in a screwdriver if it's of the sonic variety. ;)
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