
Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by snowflake, Aug 24, 2007.

  1. snowflake

    snowflake Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 18, 2007
    Hello all

    I am puzzled as about a couple of months ago I bought two small foxglove plants and one large one. Planted them all, the two small ones grew quite well and blossomed but the large one gets bushier and bushier but has no central stalk and has done nothing really.

    As my house is called Foxgloves(!) and the plant is at the front I am quite disappointed.

    Any ideas why it hasn't grown in the usual way? I might add it looks healthy and flourishing but just not doing its foxglove thing!


    PS Sorry this is in the wrong spot - I have moved it to General Discussion!
  2. Claire75

    Claire75 Gardener

    Mar 8, 2007
    Hi Snowflake
    I think foxgloves are biennials, so they don't flower until the year after they were sown - is it possible that although the non-flowering one is bigger, it's a first year plant and the other two are second year ones (but maybe a smaller growing variety?) other than that i'd have no idea i'm afraid...
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