
Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by lelly, May 25, 2008.

  1. lelly

    lelly Gardener

    Mar 15, 2007
    Hi there, not been on for a while but I am nicely settled into our house now. This time last year it was all going through and the gardens were a nightmare! Anyway.....I have bought 1 hardy fuschia dna couple of fuschia bushes and my question is when do they start to get bigger? they are quite small at the minute and someone told me to pinch them out to make them bushier but will they grow quite big or will they stay small with the flowers? I am sooooo not clued up, bought gardeners world yesterday and heve decided to subscribe! I have bought the stuff to do the mesembryanthemums hanging ball and I just hope it looks like it does in the magazine!
  2. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    Lelly - I am no expert but I have some. Its a huge area and there are so many different types, that it depends on exactly what you have.

    I see them falling into three main categories. There are some very hardy ones will grow to six or eight feet or more over a few years. But they have small flowers and are not usually on sale. The 'Hardy' ones are generally 'Hardyish' but are not totally reliable, and many of the others on sale are quite tender. I suggest yours will grow to over two feet in the first year, and more in later years. I generally cut them back quite hard in the spring, so all the height comes from new growth.

    You don't have to bother too much about pinching them out, though it may help. Even it it grew very lanky this year (which I don't expect), next year it will start again from the base. Just give it some time - its still pretty cold for many plants.
  3. Gary The Hare

    Gary The Hare Apprentice Gardener

    May 28, 2008
    We were told to put fuchias in the shed for the winter, this we did, admittedly forgot all about it and took it out in the spring to find it completely brown and it never recovered. Is it OK to leave them out?
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