Greedy plotholders

Discussion in 'Allotments Discussion' started by benacre, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. benacre

    benacre Gardener

    Feb 21, 2009
    I did try and get an allotment but there is a waiting list of 300. I visited a site today and found that one woman has five plots and not one is ever done properly. she does a bit in one a bit in another and so on and by the time she has doen that the first one is weedy.

    I asked the site rep why she was allowed to have five and he replied "As long as she pays the rent she can have any plot she wants" I asked if she would be prepared to give one up for me but he rang her and she said no as she would get them all done this year.

    This is so selfish considering the long waiting list. also there were loads of rough plots but I was told these are offered but refused. so I asked for one of these and again I was told no as they have to be offered to those on the waiting list.

    It is very fustrating. :mad:
  2. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    When I had an allotment years ago the rules were very clear. If you didn't look after it you'd get a warning, after so many warnings (can't remember how many) you'd be made to give it up. The definition of it not being looked after was a bit subjective though, and it was up to the allotment committee to decide. The bloke in the next plot to me had his taken off him even though he had half a dozen ducks on it. The ground was just bare mud with a muddy puddle in the middle that he'd dug for his ducks. My dad and I (who had adjacent plots) between us never saw him give them clean water ever, and their main diet was stuff we'd chucked over the fence out of pity.
  3. benacre

    benacre Gardener

    Feb 21, 2009
    Well I was once an allotment rep One coulple had a plot they used for drinking parties and smoking drugs. they had not paid the rent so I asked them to pay or leave, the man chased me off with a scythe
    I gave up the rep job that night it was not worth it.
  4. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi Ben it's a sad state of affairs that the allotment committee do indeed look after their own, when Bob and I went to see about getting one for ourselves there were a good few really overgrown plots that looked vacant but we were told these were already taken.

    We were shown the worst plot on site very steep slope, trees along one side and the bottom half gets flooded quite badly but I thought if that's all you have got to offer I'll take it and shame you all for giving us such a bad plot and that's just what Bob and I did.

    Within the first week 30ft of 5ft high nettles were cleared and a bed of about 30ft x 15ft (might be more) was dug over we carried on and managed to do two big beds like that all done by hand too with the help of a spade of course.:hehe:

    Everyone came round and said what a great job we did and couldn't believe our time scale, in the end the same guy who gave us the first plot came round and I told him we could do with another. He gave us the next one along too which was only slightly better than the first, after a few weeks we collared him again and said give us a better one you can see we are doing a far better job than some on here, we haggled and haggled him until we got the Paddocks which joined onto our first bad one.

    The Paddocks is a dream site loads of sun and flat too so no risk of flooding, it took a while to get a good site but well worth the nagging.

    I would like to get more involved with the site management but to be honest the meeting times run wrong for me at the moment but if things change I will go for it and make things an awful lot fairer for Newbies to start. I would suguest all new holders to be put on a provisional 6 month trail and if they haven't worked their plots for them to be forced to give them up some someone else can have a go at growing their own and also I would like to have community plots so people who need help or don't have the hours that need to work a full plot can be able to enjoy the allotment experience with one another.

    As for old 'hanger-ons' if they don't work their plots one year they wouldn't be able to have it the next. I think that's firm but fair to all as we all know if someone is struggling down on the plots there is always a kind soul to help you out so there's really no need to have an over grown plot.

    Good luck Ben I do hope you get a plot because we have so much fun at
  5. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    On our allotment we have a 'no nonsense policy' Our committee is very strict. Every 3 months we do an inspection and if the plots are in neglect they get 2 warnings and the third letter your out. This way people on a waiting list has a fighting chance of getting in. We have booted out at least 8 in the past few months. :yho:

    We have monthly committee meetings to sort out folks concerns and their problems. For those who are not happy you can write to the Allotment Society and voice your concerns.:hehe:
  6. benacre

    benacre Gardener

    Feb 21, 2009
    Our allotment association are a bit weak on that front. It is annoying that there is a such a huge list and loads of rough plots. I cycled round some more this morning and recorded 37 vacant or rough plots, I have emailed the association Chairman and asked why these have not as yet been taken, if he says no one wants them then I will take it on and see if I get kicked off. If I don't get anywhere I will be speaking to my local MP

  7. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Shame there isn't an allotment sharing scheme going on-I'm sure lots of older gardeners struggle to maintain their allotments, but carry on as they don't want to lose them altogether.
  8. benacre

    benacre Gardener

    Feb 21, 2009
    I did volunteer at our local plots and cultivated a plot for an elderly man who was ill. On his return he was so damn nasty and cruel to me after I "Did not dig it properly" that I just walked off and decided not to return. I am a bit sensitive to that sort of behaviour.
  9. Totalbeginner!

    Totalbeginner! Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 22, 2008
    ive literaly just got my first plot today!!!! most of my friends look at me as if im crazy cos im only 26. But to be fair i wasnt explained anything, i asked the lady if there was parking there, or if i could put up a small shed, or how the rent worked etc, and that was the only thing she did know. Anything to do with the money etc she knew, ask her about the actual plot or rules, she ust said she would write to me.
    so i kind of feel im a bit lost. im kind of new to gardening, so i dont even know if the plots are separated etc, as she didnt know either!
    im just hoping someone will be around to help if i get a bit stuck when i go and see it!!!!!
  10. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Keep an eye out for the regulars, get friendly and ask them. They'll probably know what's what.

    Congrats on getting an allotment. Ignore how your friends react!
  11. golfer

    golfer Gardener

    Mar 6, 2006
    I would contact your local council and check if one person is allowed to have 5 plots when there is such a long waiting list its not fair i know you stated she is paying the rent for them but i dont agree a person should have 5 plots it would be worth making some enqires.
  12. benacre

    benacre Gardener

    Feb 21, 2009
    The plots have been taken over by the allotment association and they are as secretive as the Masons. It seems to be mates rates sadly.
  13. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    I think I was about 14 when I started growing the veg for my parents. They weren't interested in gardening at the time, and I expect that's probably why I started. I used to cook too - anything my Mother couldn't make I became a dab-hand at!

    Back in those days, long before internet, I read loads of books and my parents were very helpful in finding fascinating gardeners that I went to visit and from whom I learnt loads.

    Asking lots of questions here has to be the modern equivalent, I reckon. Mind you ... leaning on the allotment fence and asking you neighbours will work well too. Just don't let them send you off to get whatever the gardening equivalent of "two greased nuts" or "a sky hook" is!!
  14. benacre

    benacre Gardener

    Feb 21, 2009
    I startedmy first plot at 16 and had plots since then but another marriage collapsed caused another house move and I am now on a long waiting list, allotmenteering is not just for the old folk.
  15. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Oh Ben I'm sorry you were treated so appalling bad it's a very sad state of affairs when you see people's true selves.

    Bob and I have found one 'baddie' on our site the things we have done for the guy people would call us fools but no more the guys a taker and meanie too.... I blank him now and feel better for it.

    Thankfully he is only one meanie amongst a load of nice guys so the good guys have the majority which is how things should
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