Hankerchief tree

Discussion in 'Trees' started by compost maker, Mar 24, 2007.

  1. compost maker

    compost maker Gardener

    Feb 25, 2007
    Has anyone seen one. Can you grow it as a 10ft bush? Is it as beautiful as they say?
  2. DaveP

    DaveP Gardener

    May 28, 2006
    Davidia involucrata in indeed an exceptionally beautiful tree with very handsome leaves that emit a faint, sweet fragrance as they expand in springtime. The flowers are carried on long, slender, pendulous stalks and consist of a 2cm. diameter mass of greenish male flowers with just one or two insignificant female flowers in the centre. The males open to reveal deep reddish anthers which are attractive, but it is the pair of very large creamy white bracts which surround them that really steal the show. In the form 'vilmoriniana', these can be as much as 30cms. long. They look like white handkerchiefs picked up at their corners and hung on the tree, hence the common name. Sadly they cannot be relied upon to appear in great quantity every year.

    You asked if it could be grown as a 10ft bush. Unfortunately this is a medium to large tree that is usually conical in outline and really needs to be given room in the garden. Eventually it can get 16m+ high with a 10m. spread. Flowering takes quite a few years: about 10-12 from seed and between 5 - 8 from a cutting-raised plant. Davidia does not respond well to regular, hard pruning, so it isn't a good candidate for keeping as a large shrub. To be honest, it would be a great shame to try and restrict it. Its true beauty is as a tree that can be admired from a distance.
  3. compost maker

    compost maker Gardener

    Feb 25, 2007
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