Happy memories..

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by raebhoop, May 19, 2011.

  1. raebhoop

    raebhoop Gardener

    Nov 5, 2009
    East Midlands UK
    Going back over 50 years I remember my Grandad building us a greenhouse...about 10x20
    My Dad used to love his tomatoes...I remember the smell of bone meal and dried blood that he used. They were grown in large pots that were made of some sort of stiff cardboard.
    He certainly knew his business and grew masses of them...the plants grew up strings that were attached to the roof.Obviously I have no idea of the variety...but when collecting them the smell was amazing.
    As a kid I used to deliver them to neighbours...1/6d a pound..that's seven and a half pence.

    My Mum had a corner of the greenhouse where she grew her chrysanthemums...beautiful flowers that she grew inside bloom bags.She never entered any competitions but if she had I'm sure she would have won loads.

    Happy days...
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    • bambooruth

      bambooruth Gardener

      Apr 2, 2011
      my grampa did the same ,grew loads of tomato plants with strings tied to the roof and had 2 deckchairs for him and granny to relax and heat there bones :D
    • theruralgardener

      theruralgardener Gardener

      Jul 22, 2009
      Otley, West Yorks
      ...now you're taking me back to when my dad built ours. I put a little Britains farm animal, (a lamb) in one of the holes of the brick base as it was being built! A Hartleys Clearspan greenhouse. Difficult to forget when you're only young and it seems to be the main topic of conversation for many weeks!
      That smell of the dried blood and bonemeal, ours was kept in earthenware pots with an old silver teaspoon in each!
      Back then, our tomatoes were Ailsa Craig.
    • Fidgetsmum

      Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

      Jul 25, 2009
      Deepest, darkest Kent
      I remember my Grandad's greenhouse - huge great thing it was, (20' x 18'), wood and glass sitting atop 4' of brick. It had 5' beds on 3 sides, a cinder path which went all the way round and a central 'island' which was part wooden staging with shelving beneath and part raised nursery beds . On one side he grew tomatoes, hundreds (or so it seemed to a small child), which they ate, or my Gran bottled whilst the remainder he sold in his butchers shop, (along with the lettuce and cucumber also from the greenhouse).

      At the far end of this 'cathedral' was a grape vine, given to my Grandad by a relative who worked at Kew. Although I remember the wonderful smell of tomatoes, my over-riding memory is spending part of each school summer holiday with my grandparents and making - what to me - was a small fortune, by earning pocket money from my Grandad as I helped thin out the grapes as the bunches formed. It made your neck ache, your arms ache and your legs ache but I loved every minute of it ... there was a strict ban on eating any of the grapes (far too sour at that stage), but you were allowed to eat as many of the - what today would be called cherry-sized - tomatoes as ripened, you got to stand on a step-ladder (which would have given my Mother heart failure had she known!), you used 'proper' scissors (not the blunt, round-ended things you were given at home, which cut nothing and would again have had Mother in fear and dread of my life!) and you got 'paid' - one year I was sent on holiday with 10/- and went home, 3 weeks later, with over £4 :happydance:.
    • Grumpy

      Grumpy Gardener

      Apr 10, 2011
    • Marley Farley

      Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

      May 11, 2005
      Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
      Under the Edge Zone 8b
      [​IMG] Ahhh nostalgic memories..!! Yes have some of them too of great big brick & glass greenhouses that were still heated by the boiler in the boiler house & all the great big pipes that ran around them.. I used to love to sit on the pipes in the winter.. They were always full flowers fruit & veg of one sort or another... The smell was fabulous..!! :hapfeet: Great days, but I love mine now too.!! :D
    • ClaraLou

      ClaraLou Total Gardener

      Aug 12, 2009
      My Grandad also loved his greenhouse - I think it might have been a bit of a refuge from the wife. Grandma was a formidable lady who didn't much like men getting in the way or making a mess. :heehee: Grandad grew flowers for her and fruit and vege for the family. My most vivid memory, however, is the taste he had for strong flavours. He grew horseradish in a patch at the bottom of the garden and periodically braved Grandma's immaculate kitchen to concoct a sauce of such potency that it could floor a man at ten paces. No one but Grandad could ever eat the stuff. Looking back, it was probably a small but significant act of rebellion.
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