Hi all, I'm very new to gardening, and this website also, so just to introduce myself quickly. I'm Heather, I'm Mummy to three little lovelies under 6, and a full time Mummy. We are moving house in the next couple of weeks, and will be fortunate enough to have a lovely biggish, quite flat garden. It has a few empty beds, under the front windows, and also along side the garden path. It appears to have a compost tub in situ, and a couple of raised beds (also empty). I have absolutely no idea where to start in my new garden, I have plenty of time to spend in it with the kids, and look forwards to any ideas.. Many Thanks, Edz, x
Hi I too am new this week and love gardening. Slowly adding palms to my space. You have a decent size, also its a blank canvas if its bare. Your time will need to be split between gardening and the children but hey Edz, give them a small space, some seeds and wait for their squeals of delight when the seedlings emerge, never mind the flowers....:D It will depend on soil type, PH, and how much sun or sun/shade. First buy a PH tester from Homebase/B&Q I like Acers, sun loving plants like Gazanias, Violas, Dianthus almost last till november. Welcome to Gardeners Corner!
Hi Heather, welcome to Gardeners Corner. It's sounds like you have a lot on your hand with 3 children and a new garden to develop. Take your time in deciding what you want to do with the garden as the demands on it will change over time. What direction does it face, and as Sixpence asks, what type of soil?, clay?, sandy?, stony?, etc. You should be able to tell what ph [acid or alkaline] is by having a look at neighbours gardens. If they're able to grow Rhododendron or Azaleas you can be sure it's acid.:D
Hello and welcome Heather. I'm sure we'll see loads of posts from you over the coming weeks, including plenty of pics of your new garden In the meantime, something to think about for filling the space, there are some nice easy child friendly plants, with the plus side that they will fill the space quickly and cheaply giving you time to think about what you want to do longer term. The three magic plants are: Sunflower - needs no introduction. Everyone knows sunflowers. Germinates from nice big seeds in about a week. Peas - Again very easy. About 2 weeks to germinate, usually nice and reliable, and of course all kids like fresh pea pods. If they munch the other parts of the plant too, no worries. Nasturtium - This under rated beauty is a proper multi-role fantastic plant. All parts of the plant are edible, so no danger of your kids poisoning themselves if they taste test it (although they probably wont taste test it twice, seeing as it tastes of pepper). The seeds are nice and big. They germinate a couple of weeks after sowing and grow nice and quick to produce a big, spreading, very pretty plant that bumble bees love. And you can chop bits off as you see fit to add to salads, stir fries and soups.
welcome Edz Enjoy your time here you will get all the help your hart desires on GC And Good luck with the Move all the best Nick