Hello iam geoff and I live in suffolk I work for nowton park nurserys me and the missus are mad on heucheras and garas amongst others I look forward to enjoying the forums Sent from my BlackBerry 9320 using Tapatalk
Hi Geoff, welcome to Gardeners Corner!! When you get the chance why don't you stick Nowton Park Nurseries into the GC's Business Directory!!??
Good evening Geof, hope you enjoy having a wander around the Gardeners Corner. It's a bit dark out there now so mind where you tread... and keep an eye out for one or two of the nutters, Jenny Namaste
Shouldn't be a problem. He's from these parts, we got plenty of our own round 'ere, int that right Geoff? Welcome to GC by the way.
Welcome to Gardeners Corner Geoff. We're all a bit waterlogged at the moment, brains as well, which accounts for the madness.......in most cases!