Home alone

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by PeterS, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    I thought you might be amused to see a brave Geranium psilostemon seedling.


    I sowed most of my seeds on 1st of March. That day I scarified these Geranium seeds (ie abraded the hard outer coating) then stratified them for three weeks (ie put with a little soil in a polythene bag in the fridge - to simulate a cold spell). After this I should have sowed the seeds as normal, but the bag got lost. I went away for Easter for a couple of weeks and ensured all my seeds and seedlings were in the capable hands of a neighbour, but I couldn't find Geranium psilostemon. Finally yesterday I had a clear up and found the bag, that had been sealed for over 6 weeks, packed away in a plastic container with a lot of other plastic bags. And behold a brave little hero had germinated and thrived, and was finally allowed to take its first ever breath of fresh air.

    I am sure there is a moral in there somewhere - but I am not quite sure what it is.
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    • Blackthorn

      Blackthorn Gardener

      Aug 21, 2006
      What a brave little thing. Mind you, it would probably never have germinated at all if you had molly-coddled it. :D Just goes to show that seeds want to grow even if in the most unlikely of situations.
    • Kaytutt

      Kaytutt Gardener

      Jan 20, 2007
      I found a cucumber seed had germinated at the bottom of a bucket which had a handful of compost, damp fibre pots thrown on top and various other bits of garden rubbish on top of that. It must have been there for at least 6 weeks, outside in the cold (including the March snow) and in almost complete darkness but was a very strong looking 2" seedling. He's now doing nicely in a growbag [​IMG]
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